So Shall He Consume Me 4 - In a Dance of Illusions

#4 of chronicles of finalgamer 27 - so shall he consume me heading into the outer grounds of the castle, the scissoraptor soon unveils a few interesting pursuits amongst the master's belongings.

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So Shall He Consume Me 3 - Amongst Followers of Darkness

#3 of chronicles of finalgamer 27 - so shall he consume me entering the castle proper, the scissoraptor makes his first observations upon the dreaded manor of chaos known as dracula's homestead.

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So Shall He Consume Me 6 - By The One Who Manipulates Time

The room was now on fire, slowly consumed by the assault as the floor started turning weak once more beneath them.

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Ruck was cracking his knuckles nervously and looking around wildly, as if the dragon's head would appear from anywhere and consume him.

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So Shall He Consume Me 7 - Whilst He Wept Bloody Tears

Something that can consume both your world and mine, both spiritual and physical if it can gain enough power.

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Birth of The Goblin

consumed by the goblin, by the venom that has infected his body and brain, consuming his soul. harry was no more. his blue eyes shot open and slowly green overpowered the blue in the irises.

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Copy of From Foes to Minions

" **your master is correct, little bird,**" the giant said, crossing his arms. " **fire will consume. and today, it will consume your strengths and bodies.

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Legend of the Five Gears idea exploration (Name Pending)

Those who would resist would be consumed, their flesh joining the host of flesh as their spirits are wholly consumed. needless to say the fortress quaked in fear, except for yuujin, last saint of promethea.

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It allowed him to consume at a much more desirable pace, fulfilling his constant need.

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Chronicals of the Justicar (Prologue)

Lord pandemonium reached the large world with its armies and consumed the planet's energy by itself out of greed.

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Symbiosis Chapter 1

Burning agony spread through her veins before blackness consumed her mind. when she woke again, it was to the sound of running feet, the ring of metal on stone echoing through the hall.

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