Thirty Minutes or Free

The rest coated the pillows and devil's paw as he milked everything out. icarus let out a weak moan before passing out in devil's arm. icarus stirred awake, his blue eyes fluttering open.

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Chapter Five: Angel of Sins

Ashly finished relatively an hour after taking the devil's finger to the mrs and presenting it as her own.

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Crazy Paranormal Chapter 7

I stand there, looking at the door with hatred. I walked to the window and watched Ren turn into his other form. He started to run into the forest but stopped and turned around to look up and through the window that I was looking through. I will be...

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Crimson Sands

Crimson Sands As our boots fell heavy across crimson sands, We marched with pride to protect our land. Each drummer in rhythm would strike the snare, Whether we lived or died none of us cared. Time around me now deemed frozen, The...

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A war of the heart

His image smiles then points over devils shoulder. looking behind him he looks into the clear blue sky and notices a small black dot falling at a immense speed.

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Shall never surrender

The time has come and so have I I'll laugh last cause you came to die The damage done~the pain subsides And I can see the fear clear when I look in your eye. ~ I never kneel and I'll never rest You can tear the heart from my chest I'll...

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Part 7 Final Prayer

Part 7 Final Prayer Beelzebub had finally been stabilized from the "poison" she had been effect with, with further examination by the doctors in hell they had discovered roughly what Had happened to their Lord only a few weeks before. Xaviers body had...

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"There was once a time that I thought I'd always be on top of the world. I had everything I had always wanted. I was swimming money. I had more friends than I could ever spend time with. I had the cars, the houses, the job. I was dating a new, sexy...

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The hospital and back again

devil's small rant petered out nice and early as rosie smirked and the doctor gave him an incredulous look.

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Reflections on Suicide : Leap of Faith

Did i not sin when i jumped that bridge and entertained the likeness of devils?barnabas replied, "you had asked for our help, and for the forgiveness of your sins. young lad, what these devils did to you was the sin.

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Smiles The Devil

It took a moment, but i watched the devil's face change first to a mask of concentration, then one of delight as he merged back into place.

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Tragic Endings

The devil's body began to pulse with flames "i can't tell you the raw amount of things that i hate, we would be here forever.

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