Mating season: Kate and Humphrey

Kate growls with pain just like humphrey, the female feels that her vaginal opening dilates slowly. humphrey does a final pull and his member slips out of the vagina of kate, she feels as semen drips of her dilated opening.

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A Trip in the Woods

Athel sat up now, i looked at his pupils and became fascinated with how dilated they'd become, they seemed as big as marbles. "gonna get more firewood, can't be sitting out here in the dark now can we?" i turned back to him and smiled as i continued.

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Rasp was forced to watch and experience his anus being forced open by the turgid flesh, crying out as the girth of the thing forcibly dilated his sphincter to a new diameter.

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Defenders of Evodusai Part 2

Eyes dilating, i knew that my senses were much sharper due to my body's new instincts. reaching the bush where truce and liru disappeared into, i dove over the tangled mess of leaves and branches before landing on top of something soft and warm.

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intertwined. part three

He was only three centimeters dilated when mikan arrived, and now he's nearing eight. "you're eight centimeters," mikan tells fuyuhiko after checking him once more. "the last two centimeters will dilate quite rapidly, okay? thirty minutes is the norm.

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Under-Winged Tactics [Patron Reward]

He simply obeyed, staring at nothing at all with deeply dilated eyes.

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Blackie and Zilla Have Fun!

His dilated, glazed eyes were unfocussed, but his ears were directed back at the source of his intense pleasure, his hindquarters.

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"dilation.. isn't that something like a migraine - vessels dilate and overload the brain with too much blood" "yes.. but i need both a vascular constrictor and a dilator at the same time... " "look at his temperature, its up two degree's from yesterday


A strange hospital~

-let's see- the jaguar checked him- the ears are okay, the pupils are dilated.


Nightmare afterfects

Grays hazel eyes dilated to a small dot, and as the hound opened his fierce razor jaws he lunged at gray. gray being too paralyzed to do anything could only screech out in utter pain and yearning for help. ~ "gray! gray!

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3 - Shiva - Ablitys Awoken

Shiva responded im not sure but i think it should be called time dilatation. i think i can slow down time to the point there it seem to be stoped but its still moving and i can still move at normal speed.

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