Planet of Magic

The magic in earth formed the planet of earth but now it's magic has been wasted up. the animals on the planet are very much like the ones on earth due to it being the planet's origin.


The magic candle

Roderick walk threw the streets of the city. He was thinking of nothing, till he hear someone scream. He looks behind him. A group of three guys arround his age, where busy hit a old man. One of them has take his cane and broke it. Roderick run to them...

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Everything's Magic

A/N: I started working on this one at the same time as "Lightning Storm", it just took me longer to finish, because of the aformentioned story and because it was finals week at school. It was on my mind and I wanted to get it down before it...

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Magic and Divinity

The world of golden sun is low-magic, meaning that magic is almost impossible to find.

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Black Magic

I feared myself being compared to typical practices of magic, and i feared people from various covens or cults approaching me. i just enjoyed a specific type of magic for my own personal usage, and desire.

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Meat and Magic

Enjoy :d meat and magic raleigh stared across the rooftops. he was dimly aware of a pain in his back where he had been clawed and his ankles where he had landed awkwardly.

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Moonlight Magic

Ajax's eyes lit up with hope,excitement all other joyful feelings and then howled to the moon above allowing the magic to begin.

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Muscle Magic

magic, he decided, really was wonderful.

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the magic of love

Drakon was in wrath's room and was about to get away with his magic homework. "you know drakon, you're a horrible wizard and just as bad at being a thief. now put down my magic homework."

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Magical bear.

- we were attacked by a magical bear - mimo said from the bed. a different medicine was being used on mimo and it didn't burn at all, though the effect was the same. the mole smiled at mimo, finding his words funny. - it was one of those magical beasts?

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Love and Magic

One by one the candles in the room flickered back to life, lit by katherine's magic. martin blinked at the sudden change in brightness and allowed his own orb of light to go out.

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