
Why i subscribe to martyrdom, i do not know. a small voice in me had fought long and hard to try to say a small poem someone else had written for me ages ago. it was fitting; a small devotional to let testament know of my desperate love.

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Foe and Friend Part II - Betrayers and Refugees (Gryph Commission)

Or perhaps martyrdom; she'd already committed the greatest betrayal to her clan and dying while taking as many of the true enemy down with her might prevent them from truly erasing her existence from the records.

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Expedition: Tea and Stories

The viis have a tradition of slavery and conquest, the zhreli have a tradition of martyrdom, the myal a tradition of poetry and knowledge, the toth a tradition of bullying servitude and disloyalty." "and your people?"

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Blood & Carrots - Episode 21

Then you assume this mantle of martyrdom, that you are a villain for your feelings." the sheep spat the words at me while glaring into my eyes, tears filling her own as her teeth showed. "you are a fool, you are a reckless fool! you are..."

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[Lucci’s Fur]: The Traitor in the Ice

And when they come to your home someone will have to tell of your martyrdom. someone will have to tell them the sympathy you showed, struggled with and the curse your benevolence has caused on your life." "so write a note on the door and run wilfred."

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Unnatural Selection - Ch 1: The Choosing

The prospect of martyrdom seemed to appeal to the large marsupial. "all will be revealed, even putin's most sordid secrets."

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Walls: Reboot 11 - The Lock and Key

_could this be some kind of martyrdom, i wonder? no... perhaps a fluke..._ "adler," i said. adler lifted his gaze and fixated on me with a tired stare, "_yes?_" i gave him a subtle nod, "things will be alright." "things will be alright..."

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The Raging Hounds XII: Sade Campaign Part 3: Blazing Skies

Antonius said quietly, turning his head to look at rodigus, who was clutching the railing of the command podium so hard his arms were trembling "she's earned martyrdom in the annals of mankind, rodigus." "those bastards... they'll pay for this..."

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Evokation / Book III: The Tower / Part 5

Backlash from what happened is very minimal, anyway: the humans are essentially aliens, and even if they have been spreading throughout ire, helping people out... they didn't build up the essential degree of trust to make their martyrdom cost-effective, if

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Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Furs

The only thing those stupid di's will take notice of after your martyrdom, is force, and i'll have plenty of that soon enough!" she slapped eric-hard. "you are not the eric i cared about!" she exclaimed. eric felt his swollen cheek.

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A Gnoll's Story: the Finale

Garrik slipped silently from one cloth walled cubicle to the next witnessing works of art both grotesque and priceless, statues depicting the martyrdom of long forgotten saints and macabre reliquaries made from the mummified remains of long perished priests

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Dessert After

The fox earnestly wished he could make it better, knew his own self-martyrdom in the urge: crucifixion, not cock-sucking, which makes the boy turn gay. > > "you know, that time? when we..." zeke nailed himself to the word. "when we yiffed.

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