Story Segment -- Impossible Things

"you are my child, but you are not of the sisterhood," the voice observed. "i cannot bestow a boon to those upon whom i cannot call."

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The Witch

"your coven, according to my research, is a ring sisterhood of the old days--to be able to do magic, the witch has to be wearing two enchanted rings.

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Albion chapter 3

They even slaughtered priestesses of the sisterhood (as well as the priests and shamans of albion's old religion). raids lasted longer - sometimes months in duration.

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The Dog Star Miracle

There had been a miracle, a child was born to the sisterhood. it was unheard of, but the brothers--ignorant as i'd been of the mechanics involved--simply accepted it with good cheer.

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Descent Into Dishonor [Commission]

The hatari in general were a proudly militant people, and this sisterhood was no exception.

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Venom: Ascension (Season Finale)

I fall to the floor of the zoo storeroom, free of my coccoon, my ascension into the sisterhood complete. my new body is beautiful, wonderful, perfect. it is much like the one i 'had' a few moments before when i was in hiss' created fantasy.

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Venom, Episode 5

#5 of venom "the vipers are a faction of 'baby' gorgons, there isn't a one of them who has been in the sisterhood for more then a decade. i think they might have the same sister-mother, but i'm not sure of that.

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Meet Me on the Savanna (Patreon Extreme)

She was as gorgeous and stunning as any others of her sisterhood, a perfect example of a killing machine ready to be properly used.

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With Tooth and Paw, Chapter 2

"the rangers is a brotherhood and sisterhood, with strings in all parts of every society we can get into. who do you think paid deromer to send you on those risky missions?" after only a confused look from vedrit, kirtar continues, "we were testing you.


A Humiliating Display

They always passed around their stories, like some kickball playing sisterhood. _ooh, kick ball sisterhood. she liked that._ melissa smiled. \*\*\*\*\* and that's the end!

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The Lily Nymph 7

I've heard of a sisterhood of celibate cats out there. i didn't think she was one of them until i heard what she had to say back in the cave.

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Shining in Shadow

I'm helping you become one of the sisterhood. the egg is a part of you now. it cannot be removed. you've suffused it with power, power greater than i had. your change is already far more rapid than mine was."

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