The Taste Test
Get the taste of inferior out." mewtwo looks at me and grins. i down the bottle in seconds. "it looks like you like the taste of minerals. that's good. because unlike lil' miss floatymcpsychic.
A Taste Of Heaven
"it's like a taste of heaven," sheila said. "it's just what i needed!" "he never came?" sheila shook her head. "it's nothing serious though, we're just..." she didn't finish the thought, but the cougar nodded.
Taste the Rainbow
taste the rainbow written by leo\_todrius commissioned by jwb.
A taste of Hell
A taste of hell...and it tastes like feet. by nahualmorph. disclaimer: male and male sexual situations ahead, don't read if you're not into it, and all that shit.
Done to Taste
Chocolate wanted nothing more than to be tasted, and now she was going to be tasted by two people at once? she couldn't imagine a better day than this.
Addiction at A Taste
Beryl wasn't about to object though; a liquid version of that heavenly taste was starting to fill his muzzle, an ambrosia like none he had ever tasted.
Taste of Freedom
taste of freedom written by leo\_todrius commissioned by zyxxs a cool breeze drifted along the plains of eratheel, the blue grasses swaying beneath the rich moonlight.
Taste the Rainbow
"then it'll be my turn to taste the rainbow." "yeah," mary agreed. "it'll definitely be your turn to taste the rainbow, sweetheart." xxx -end-
A little taste
While the boy was screaming and squirting under her, she taste the alien. she open wide her eyes again.
Tasting Shadows
It made it taste so much better, made it feel so much warmer and more satisfying in her belly.
An Acquired Taste
Though not the first, your fate won't be the last soul shared by many others who remained in fazbear entertainment's establishments, yet the first to experience chica's newly acquired taste...
A Taste of the Wild
Jarzyl moved forward in a low crouch, keeping her belly barely above the ground and holding her wings tightly furled against her back. "Sneak, sneak, sneak, sneak, sneak..." murmured the young dragon. Every movement she made was careful, calculated,...