
He pointed it at the bible-thumper; "listen, you can say whatever you want to me, but you say another word to my friend and i'll shove this bat where the sun don't shine."

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Survive! Dirty Edition

He pointed it at the bible-thumper; "listen, you can say whatever you want to me, but you say another word to my friend and i'll shove this bat where the sun don't shine."

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Express Lane: Chapter 1 - Curing the Bunny Bag-Boy Blues

Riley waited a moment incase the bunny wanted to interject something, but nothing was said so he continued; "you see, i left my office computer on one night, and my boss, whose one of those bible-thumpers, went to shut it off, only instead accidentally opened

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Tales From Apartment 232-20: Deal With the Devil

More than you're mother, more than the first fletcher, even more than the bullies and bible thumpers that plagued you.

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