Generation of Dragons

The two were unique with the female blessed of high fertility within her ovaries, a chosen brood mother as the male was blessed with production and deep lust urges to breed.

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High school demons

Then they dragged her into it, sealing her fate to be the first of klgethi's new brood mothers. the tentacles unlocked the door, screwed the vents back on, and opened the door. someone else- this one a dalmation girl- walked into the bathroom.

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Sinful Pleasures: Callie

The brood mother clicked her mandibles in agreement and things were set into place, the breeders called for and a male selected for fertilization.

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Dawn of a New Age: Destruction

I would be their brood mother. i would take all their lusts, eagerly and with pride, and bear their young for them. again and again and again...

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Dragon Hunt: Chapter 1

A brood mother would be ten times worse. they thankfully stayed far from the city. they were mostly territorial and preferred to stay to areas they could call their own. but general consensus was when a yunicycloid was about?

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Part Two:

"if you weren't mine, i'd think you were a brood-mother!" "if i was a brood-queen, i would let you have the most turns." she grinned smugly and followed him out of the cave.

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Tales of the Owlfolk: Surali and the Owlfolk Tribe

"from this moment onward, you bear the title of brood mother of my tribe. your duty extends beyond merely carrying my offspring, but extends to nurturing the offspring of all the males within our tribe."

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Queen of the Slugs

A few of them slithered off to hunt for new hosts, but the majority turned back to their unwilling brood mother. a chill shot up farrah's spine as she felt the ooze-covered beasts scale her vulnerable body.

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The Secret Life-cycle of Kobolds

"well, we secretly watched as he brewed the potion to create our new brood mother, reproduced it and fed him his own concoction while he slept" toman groaned as he felt his cock start to shrink in his hand.

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Containment Violations

For a fleeting instant the otter wondered if that was due to her skill as a brood-mother, but that notion fell from her mind when the beast came.

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A Harem Of One

What they were going to become was all that mattered. '...brood mother...' the words reverberated in their minds. became the tune they danced to.

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Fever (RP logs)

Ks-- dracasis tasted like fertility; every aspect of her flavor screamed of a brood mother just begging to be bred, and the taste of her virility went straight through khaesho's tongue and into his rapidly swelling hemipene.

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