Blackjack's Sneak Attack

Rocket rolled his covered eyes and chuckled through the continuous pain. "yeah, yeah... just get a move on, already." "sometimes you're just no fun at all..." blackjack took hold of the heavy paddle and made a practice swing.

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His goggle-covered eyes were ignoring him entirely though, as they were intently focused on his pad while he scribbled down far more notes.

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SWAT Kats: Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Ch 15

Feral stared at the mask covered eyes, he wished he could see, as the smaller tom pushed him on his back and hovered over him waiting for his answer. his cock just inches from feral's hot channel.

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Kinktober 2018 Week 1

I make my way through the crowd, glancing to the shadow-covered eyes that stare at me. how did they see me? were they disgusted, aroused? their robes make it impossible to tell, yet my own body is on full display.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 22

She brushed the hair from her covered eye, revealing a cracking with otherworldly energy beige orb that was even more attention stealing than her already breathtaking gold eye. "our future"

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Rodney's Recent Fixation

The giant panda was sitting comfortably right in between them, his bang-covered eyes still glued to the tv. that gave rodney plenty of opportunity to admire his form.

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Shattered Freedom, Chapter Four

Modo's cold hard glare bore into throttle's covered eyes. "you seem to be doing just that. entering my marriage, my bed...." "but.. " throttle tried to protest. "if you haven't yet," modo growled cutting throttle off.

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A Night at Freddy's

Surprisingly, jamie looked the fox into his not covered eye. didn't he want to kill him? a machine with his own will, being so scaring, right in front of him, holding out his paw. what should he do? jamie was totally confused.

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On Holden Pattern

That brought the dobie and his somewhat lopsided sunglasses-covered eyes into contact with me and peter. the reaction was instant and consisted of bared teeth and a deep growl.

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Adventures of Man and Doe 03 – Servus Cervine

She shook beneath my touch, panting heavily, and craned her head around as best as she could to implore me with covered eyes. touched, but resolute, i carefully placed the last weight on her other velvety fold and let it hang.

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Orca Aura

She'd be greeted with a blown up version of the cd's cover, eyes trailing across every detail before moving to the only option on the display - a single button labelled 'live your dreams'. "live your dreams - discover what was always true."

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Hypnovember 2022 #5 - A Monument to Futility

Even though he could no longer see through his frozen, covered eyes, clive could feel it enveloping him. he could feel himself floating. he felt the footstool that had once been michael bumping against him as they danced and bobbed and floated.

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