Gecko Daze

I feel trapped in-between self-loathing regret and existential dread of the future. all in all, i guess not much has really changed. this summer's been a rollercoaster, one that broke down and caught fire.

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Form and Function 01

. =====--=--===== form and function ezra's trip back home after the barbecue was full of self reflection and existential dread. everything in life seemed so surreal that he didn't know if it was real or not.

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When my last grade arrived at the end of spring semester my junior year, however, i was seized by some kind of existential dread. in a year, my time at burnley would be over. i would have to reinvent myself as something else, somewhere else.

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Zweihander - Part 1

The fox's eyes were vacant, as if looking through the celestial sphere in contemplation of some existential dread. "naya?" he asked, and the fox snapped out of his gaze. "i am sorry," he said.

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Playground of the Serpent

He was expecting existential dread at the lost time, but instead the little dragon was full of optimism and excitement, a mentality he wished more of his friends shared. sadly, he couldn't keep up the ruse, or he'd feel dishonest.

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Humanity Is Dead

The feeling everyone feels late at night, the loneliness, the existential dread of everything everywhere \>humans are....were social creatures \>even the most outcast person wanted companionship \>you think of hugging her but decide against it \>

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Gundam Rose, [WIP]

The pure existential dread press down on her with a crushing weight that could shatter bones.

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A Place That Don't Know My Name

existential dread was never very far from any topic of conversation in the world we lived in now, but finding things that were a little less personal still felt like an odd sort of relief.

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First Monnight Experience

He just looked miserable and with him not displaying any hostility or inducing that feeling of existential dread that demons induced in humans, mareike quickly lowered her gun again."

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Dog Soldiers (Multi Dog TF)

He was glad to be back, far from the existential dread of the crimes he'd committed back home and happy to pound his leg against the floor with excitement as marcus began to ruffle his silky belly fur. "good boy, connor. now let's see what you can do."

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Seeing Spots

With a sigh, he deflated back onto his couch, grabbing the remote and flipping through the channels, deciding to let the swearing and beetled brows of a daytime crime drama balm his increasing existential dread.

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Sally busied herself with putting away the pregnancy scanner, leaving alicia to experience a new bout of existential dread. this was all too good to be true. the giveaway, the honeymoon, the money, their win. all of it.

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