Aren't You Going to Ask About My Tail?

Rena explained to him all the tidbits about the government hold back with animal gene therapy and the lousy website. after that they talked about politics, which lead to family and then food and so on. an hour passed and then two.

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The Wolf Soul - Part Four

"we tried the gene therapies," brandon said, "lactic acid scavengers, intron modification, vector implantation, whatever you call them, we did it."

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Dog Boy - Chapter 6

"it's where we house patients who've been conducting gene therapy, as well as when we occasionally do human trials for new drugs." i walked in slowly, and sat down on the bed. dad slowly walked up to me, and pulled off my mask.

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Effie's Accident

Real heady gene therapy kinda stuff. i was expecting the uses to be primarily clinical, but..." braidon paused for a long moment "i found evidence that horizon is working on a nanodroid delivery system."

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Tommy would have to spend a couple of weeks on his own while his parents underwent the gene therapy. days passed.

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Unfortunately, they had a problem with the gene therapy serum and he was transformed into a dragon." "i see. well i apologize that we weren't able to help you more quickly to avoid such a traumatic experience." "heh, traumatic. right.

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Dark Horizon Chapter 1 The Reveal

therapy i received, it somehow mutated me, but i feel no different except that i'm stronger, faster, i have heightened sensory perception, i'm able to see in the dark and i can hear people talking from the end of the street, don't get me wrong its great to

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 3: Mission Description!

"she was in charge of black fang's gene therapy. she knows more about them then anyone else." quicksilver stated. "by the way, what was that injection for?" rio asked.

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Small Town Sheriff, Big Problems: Chapter 4: High Speed Chase, and New Intel

The reversal went well, but we realized too late, and too far, almost 85% through the gene therapy, that his mind was being altered, and so was his physical power and speed. at first the dod was excited, thinking we had stumbled upon a super soldier.

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Chapter 1 - This Is War...

There are companies looking for ways to synthesize the genes that make mutanimals so special, and create a sort of gene therapy in order to spark the same reactions and changes in humans.

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As Mean As A Caged Fox

Martin's state was one of the few that still allowed the controversial gene therapy to those that didn't have a legitimate medical need. the struggling attorney was agnostic on the whole thing.

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Customer Service - A Para-Imperium RP

But i wouldn't start until we have decided whether you're receiving gene therapy as well so as to limit the chances of rejection on your low-tech planet."

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