Nightmares in the Sky

He asked, trying to make a little light conversation. the bulldog paused for a moment and glance at him, then started flipping through his keys again. "you saw that?" jason shrugged. "sure.

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Afterschool Fun

It would be too late to try to make new friends, i'm more of the shy type; i'd rather have them come to me for a light conversation to see how far that goes. most of the guys that talk to me are close, 2 to be specific.

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Jeremy 093; Its Not The Slope Its The Lack Of Friction

As a group they mingled in the lobby for a few minutes in light conversation. eventually most of the group excused themselves and headed either to their rooms in the hotel or in the case of the lemurs their home.


A Prince's Correnation

After a few minutes of light conversation, nuka and banzai made their way down to the main chamber underground. "alright. we're here," banzai announced. nuka looked around, but couldn't see anything around him but pitch black.

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The pair had struck up a light conversation where the fossa had introduced himself. wilson vintanasoa, preferably "willy", a second-generation malagasy-american and an apidologist.

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Laundry Time is for the Men

Not even noticing the cycles had change, he looked at his watched, breathed lightly. talking his paw from his pants, making sure there was no pre on it, he moved her clothing from the washer to the dryer.

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Carnal Combat - Chap 3

Luel, the rabbit of the light speaking first.

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David's Start of a New Adventure (Ch.16 - Detective Latios On The Case)

Latios asked the aura pokemon, starting off a light conversation as they travel along the path. lucario didn't directly look towards the blue eon pokemon as she looked ahead, but responds to the blue eon's question.

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Love........SERIOUSLY!? Chapter 3

It took a little nudging, but she rose, and all three of them enjoyed their breakfast with light conversation. near the end of breakfast, celestia moved onto an important topic.

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Evolving Needs

Charmeleon followed me along, carrying his own heavy sack of mail, but light conversation was no longer easy. he seemed so much more... withdrawn. i wondered if it was because of something i'd done, or whether evolving just made pokémon get grouchier.

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Ember Tails, ch2 (pt.5)

Mckenzie making light conversation with the vulpix about his last couple days of school for the semester until they made it to the kitchen, where smells of the chirstmas meal were heavy in the air. "ah, shana, marcus, welcome!

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Aftershocks (Pilot)

He kept up light conversation with ellis and the other kaiju in his group as they slowly made their way to the docks. but the heaviness had taken hold within him again, and he knew it was only a matter of time before it would smother him.

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