Finding Peace

We wander around, in pairs of twos or threes, picking mates from larger clans or lone wanderers like i did. i never liked the name, it just never seemed to fit me, so i shortened it." "oh. alright. i like liranor though. it fits you.

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New Horizons - Streetwalker's Break pt 3

A sudden flashback invaded the mind of the lone wanderer as he took another drag of harmful smoke into his lungs and released it. rita.

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New Horizons - Streetwalker's Break pt 3

A sudden flashback invaded the mind of the lone wanderer as he took another drag of harmful smoke into his lungs and released it. rita.

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Evokation / Book III: The Tower / Part 2

Zerrex let mahihko and lone wander towards it as his own eyes checked out the huge row of monitors that dominated one wall, with a control panel beneath this... but all the monitors were displaying at the moment was static.

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Eudaemon II: Dragon and Colossus, Part 10

lone wandered up to his room first: he figured cherry would be in their bed, napping or just sulking, since that's she always did.

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The Fallout 4

Bikies were men, and sometimes women, who wore leather jackets and drove around the countryside on very loud lone wanderer motorcycles.

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And With His Many Jagged Teeth 15 - The Desert Started Burning

The guards were ever-diligent for any lone wanderers out on the wastes, potential traders or victims to be a part of their livestock as the spanning former park reserve stretched out behind them, former trees ripped out by their roots to become oppressive

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Chapter 15 "Deal"

Act 2 (fallout 4 ost - lone wandering) santino tampico was standing outside his family quarters door, guarding it paranoidly and restlessly with a kitchen knife in his paw.

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Surviving the Snowbound Slopes

So much of it still hurt terribly, even though years had passed since the events that made her a lone wanderer. "it's really not a problem. to be honest, i've wanted to be able to share the story for a while.

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Unexpected Chapter 4

Stifling his disappointment, endeval nodded in greeting as the lone wanderer drew alongside the wagon. the other human greeted him back. "ho! how ya doin?"

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Secretarial Duties

It was a little slow to help frame the character's lonely wanderer persona, but it was definitely 'home on the range'. as good a song as any, he supposed.

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