A Pesky Dragonfly

Danjim saw how a giant tongue came out from the top of the mountain of green flesh and licked his already slippery face, a giant river of saliva falling down his completely bare and morbidly obese torso until it splashed into the floor right next to his body

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Above Average Part 18

For all he knew he could have been morbidly obese. alan quickly shook the notion from his head. he was a slacker, but somehow he couldn't see himself letting himself go like that.

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Return to Base

The soldiers surrounding the commander began to chortle and snigger, staring at the naked, morbidly obese cheetah. saul continued to suck in his stomach, his face a deep red. "yep. we don't allow feral hippos in our company, saul.

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Minions arrive story

The air in the room smelled sweetly of sex as Samantha, the massively fat raven, hummed softly to herself. She tapped away on her ipad messaging friends, a contented smile playing across her beak as she felt the motion under her gut. "Having fun...

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In His Dreams [COM]

Word of Prince John's greed had spread far and wide across England, leaving no one uninformed about the unfathomable wealth that the weaselly lion hoarded for himself. Many cursed his name for the hardships that they unfairly had to endure as a result...

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The Cult of the Moth

And as this happened, the morbidly obese figure before them could only stare back with an equally confused, yet seemingly embarrassed, wide-eyed blush. "uhh... w-where am i? what is going on?"

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Drifter (Part 1)

Fen turns around to find a rather morbidly obese individual combining all the worst qualities of human and orcs with a smug expression wringing his hands in the evil glee of triumph. "jonathan sneed!" elena growls at the corpulent chamberlain."

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Freedom of Expression

The morbidly obese stoat shifted slightly to face denise, one arm hanging from the elbow to drape casually over the rolls at her flank, the other resting on the generous platform of her white belly beyond the red clothed mounds of her breasts.

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Massagem na bexiga. Bladder massage.

Man, you could become morbidly obese. do you practice exercises? i thought a little. indeed, hunting is becoming easier and i actually have eaten more than i have hunt, since my wage of writer can be used to acquire some of the city's facilities.

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Having Fun With Yourself

"my frog body is so morbidly obese..." hank tried to punch the frog, but #01 used all the weight on his body to turn the tables around like a heavyweight pro wrestler. "n-no way!" hank cried out in pain.

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Broken Web

He doesn't deserve a morbidly obese fucker like you as his partner. and i'm gonna help him out". webster's face contorted in confusion. "wha--" a heavy fist connected with his face, and the goat stumbled backwards against his living room wall.

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