The Merrin, Part 20

#20 of merr shelter moved...and new problems next: part 21 all the loose items are packed into three packs. most of the sections for the shelter lean against a pod.

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Linked Through Bond Ch. 3

Now he faced a new problem: he had little to no money! working at the towns pokemart didn't pay for shit and he sure as hell couldn't support his new pokemon as well. so he thought for a while and settled on an idea, but only if she agreed."


Odd mates part 4

.** **how will humphrey and kate deal with this new problem.** **chapter 4 learning and attack** ( to learn about ,stuart and nala love.

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He still was either ignorant or didn't care about his growth, as he always was, but as he approached the door to the bedroom, the equine saw a new problem that he had never truly encountered until that very moment.

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Teenagers (Part 6)

It was lunchtime before michael got to talk to shane again, and told him about his new problem. "oh shit man that sucks!" "yeah, i know right!" "you know i can loan you the money right?" "eh, thanks...but no thanks." "what? why the hell not?

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Genesis Part Two, Operation War Dog

Meetings were called discussing it and many many new problems went into lengthy debates and media circuses. finally the war ended, many countries ripped apart were finally able to stop and grieve.

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Shady Impressions: Of Mouthiness, Monologues and Mountains #4

If we were to address this new problem, now would be the time when they are incapable of defending themselves," the robed one coldly stated. "i agree, but we can't exterminate all of them right now.

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david's college days part twenty five

After an hour of hamming and banging the boards were off but now there was a new problem the lock. the lock had been on there for some time as it had rusted shut but david's dad said he could open it with a bit of strength and wd40.

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Furry Friends

Nothing found, and ultimately ended up settling for the current cituação, but there was a new problem, what would you do now?

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david's college days part twenty eight

After telling sarah they went out to see amber and found the scar was only a old injury from something that had happened a long time ago, so now they had a new foal and had a new problem the stable could only have two horses, so david and sarah said let the

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The ancient story

He really didn't want to deal with this new problem, whatever it was. especially when this new problem could possibly be the first sign of a much deeper problem.

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