A Change in Perspective [COM]

The announcement couldn't be any clearer no matter how much Clawhauser read it. His eyes went wide as saucers when he discovered the Assistant Chief of Police was ready to retire after years of dedicated service, a decorated officer of the law that he...

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The King of All Realities [PTRN]

The tranquil nature of the ocean floor was breathtaking in its stillness, with very few living creatures daring to take up residence in the harsh conditions present. Only a select number of sea beasts evolved to withstand the intense, crushing...

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Tagged for dino-thing, inanimate motorbike tf, some solo play, reality shifting, and generally explaining the life of a bike.

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Shifting Dreams [Anthro Brionne TF/TG]

"Alright, see you guys some other time!" "See ya!" "Night, Sam!" Sam hit the "End Call" button, hearing the familiar jingle after his friends spoke their wishes, staying in their...

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The King of All Realities [TSR]

One thing that he hadn't realized in all of his trampling was just what a nuclear plant entailed. He had no knowledge of its inner workings, but why should he? To him, it was just something else that needed to be flattened into...

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Here Kitty Kitty

# Here Kitty Kitty By Zatarra L. Vulpe Adius was bouncing to the beat. It wasn't what he wanted. Certainly the music was intense enough to carry the lion through dancing laser beams and thudding base hits, but something about it... It didn't reach...

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Your Heart's Desires

There had to have been some kind of mix-up. Chris held the package in his hands while he shut the door behind him with a foot. The gray-and-white furred wolf wasn't expecting a package today, and he knew that his collie boyfriend wasn't...

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The Dragon with the Wish Tattoo [COM]

How long had it been? Siro sighed as he just about started the long walk home from the gym, exhausted from the intensive workout that he'd just forced himself through. Every single part of his body was sore beyond belief, though he knew that it'd only...

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A Change in Perspective

It was all I could do to try and struggle in my restraints. As it was, the strength of the leather bindings holding my arms to my sides, as well as the ever weakening effects of the drug they had given me, meant I could barely muster up the energy to...

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Instant Mommy: A Lesson In Reproduction

The world outside was still a mystery to him after all that had happened inside that room but randal felt like geffa's almighty power and reality shifting was going to consume him. he stood up, "i guess i can go now."

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Wishful Thinking [COM]

Another uneventful night, another dinner of takeout Chinese. It was a tradition that roommates Steve and Barry followed twice a week, much to their chagrin at times. Still, it was nice to come home after a long day of work and unwind with food...

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YEEN! QUEEN! (Tame Version)

YEEN! QUEEN! By: Xerox2 The rest of the band filed off the stage, leaving Ashton standing alone. He pressed the microphone to his lips, raised a triumphant, leather-clad fist, and roared: "We! Are! Jarl Slayer!" A few tables in the back...

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