[DolphinSanity] Conventional Hypnosis, Chapter 1

"so... how do you feel about going to a cozy little room party with us tonight?" asked zsisron. "i believe some of our mutual friends will be there." "heh, 'course i want to go. my buddies harimau and guy will be there, plus a few others."

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Recruitment Month

The sight of a room party could be seen behind him: a whole bunch of guests having a cuddle party on the giant bed that almost filled the entire room. "i believe you've ordered an extra pillow?"

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Date Pandas: Part 4 (Final)

Do you remember at the coffee shop, when i was talking about the dorm room parties at uni? the... difficulties i had?" "i do." marek quietened. "with the outdated facilities and all." "yeah. amongst other things."

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He and zack ate together, slept in the same room, partied together and studied together. how was it that he'd been fruitlessly chasing after women when the perfect partner was right there, one lofted bed away?

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Furthe'More 2014: They like me! They really like me!

This con's lacking in rampant binge drinking and crazy room parties is actually what makes it attractive to a lot of people. i like it because i go to cons to socialize and go to panels and events.

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Declare Gluttony

It's a fun kind of party game in the vein of room party where everyone plays as preds trying to be the fattest! anyway, today is his birthday, and i decided to write him a story where tris-dragon gets invited to a big party!

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Walls: Exodus 22 - Twisted Depths

But this time i found myself tired, and i was in no hurry to join the others' room-party. in fact, i'd probably head back to the diplomatic corps, and either study or simply stare at a wall to let my thoughts settle.

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Con Cosplay

Told me it was a room party and told me the suite." cupping duke's chin, he began to thrust faster. without even thinking about it, kodi found himself matching his brother's pace. "so, who else have you fucked?"

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Chapter 9: More than a Feline

I figured i could tell john that clara wanted to go out to one of the other room parties, and left the désirée suit here.

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Sex Jed

"but from what you've told me about those locker room parties, i don't think that's gonna be his area of expertise." "all right," jed said, "what would you advise?" "you say you're feeling blue?" "yeah.

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Lola's Reduction Pt 16

Many of the girls had thought that was going to be the end of the new girl, that she was going to get a one-way ride in don's van... but instead the rabbit still made her debut at the chili room party, and brandie remained a cunt girl!

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He passed two room parties before he made his first turn, seeing the signs with various fandom names denoting who was rooming with whom. there was even a sock on one door. how tactless was that?

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