Debaun's Big Trick

This magician was more than a simple stage performer, obviously, and there was always a danger in revealing one's name to a mage of unknown powers. still, he seemed young and a touch inexperienced. plus, he was wearing a ridiculous get-up.

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Ch. 7 Solstice Swirl

The cockvore floor was much like the stage performance had been furs were swallowed up though in smaller amounts and purged into a tank and every flush of another fur was performed by their fellow furs helping them be sucked down the pipes in white

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Sing To Me My Sweet Stallion

She had always held a quiet fondness for him during his stage performances. his voice was the most beautiful tenor tone she had ever heard, so clear and light and absolutely lovely.

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The Voyages of the Rebellious Bastion, Chapter I

She was not as bold as the stage performer, starting with just her middle digit, which was a nice visual counterpoint to the dick slamming in and out of her box - and slam it did, as the rat repositioned himself for better leverage.

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The Magician's Assistant

They were great filler content, but hardly grand stage performance material. keet wanted to do big. he wanted to wow.

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A Different Kind of Airbag

"film and stage performers have perfected the art of hiding the safety measures for the illusion of danger." the announcer walked off to one side. "but those don't matter if you don't have well trained stunt performers in the first place!"

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You Otter Be Ashamed

He'd had no real experience outside of the staged performances he'd done as the "masked marmot" and tokeki knew of his past experience, which was why he'd recommended a spot in this industry.

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Ferret's Five - The Inside Man

"when xander told me that you did stage performances he didn't mention whether or not you had done anything... like this." "you mean break into places?" diz said, the other two quickly hushing him as they looked around.

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Welcome to Lust World: A Sabreverse Short

The crowd watched, cheered, howled and whistled at the on stage performance from there very own chancellor. many started pleasuring themselves while others started groping others.

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NOC ch11: The Exo Club

Karl began to regale marcus with an absolute tsunami of statistics on the sports teams, dylan raved about the art scene (giving none-too-subtle hints about stage performances of his own that marcus could attend), and melody told him all about the night life

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long hall. 2 furrs`s hook up at a gay bar on a space station part 3

He spent a little while slowly drinking his beer and observing several of the other staff as well as stage performers eventually he realized the waitresses he took a turn on stage this at one point included the bartending rabbit.

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