Pregnancy Stream Story 4: The Jackal's Mate

At least, they would have if the whores were furred. on her, it looked as bestial as the cock that was still pounding her. to her shame, it no longer hurt, at least not as much as the start. she felt her juices starting to flow, and whined.

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Tilted Scales - Part 1 (Preview)

His tribe was made up of two species of canid's that were furred like wolves or painted dogs. he was one of the latter. he reached his bound paws up to feel his injured ear and realized it was torn through and still bleeding. it hurt fiercely.

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Secret Desires part 2.txt

Hershel suddenly had this horrible feeling, my parents were furs?!. yes, and being otters that is why i find it so hard to believe they died. otters are very powerful swimmers, they can survive in storms that could easily drown humans, callisto said.

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 31: chaos

There were... furs we cared about there! sanway and burt were straining for extra inches from every step, until they got in sight of camp. both skidded to a frozen halt, as they took in the sight i was hoping not to see.

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Micro Rocks Pt 2: Past Anal Assumptions

It was startling how long and ripped up the fibers were. fur, dirt and fuzz gathered in layers. he stopped himself, halfway down to touching. now was not the time to get critical of his own lifestyle.

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Looking Back

Even if you're a were-fur, even if i'm a human and you, in either transformed state or not, are not, i still love you. if you don't believe me, you should put down your plate, and turn around."

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Dawn of Chaos pt 6

My mind froze for an instant upon seeing the four figures standing in the middle of my path, i had seen that there were furs when i experienced kazath's memories but seeing them for myself was even better.

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Deerphinly Delicious

The being stood on the silver sidewalk with dark hooves, and its lower legs were furred.

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The Price of a Straight Boy

I only knew him because he happened to live nearby, on this somewhat shabby neighborhood populated with students coming here after cheap flats after getting bored of the dorms, and then there were furs like brandon, who just couldn't afford anything else because

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The Ultimate Breakthrough-3

There were furs walking here and there. some were chatting, while some were planning. i've never seen anything like this before. it felt like my life was starting over. maria followed jack as that was their agreement.

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Corruption Stream Story 6: Cursed Treasure of the Silver Mountain

All around him were furred and green skinned creatures. they stared at him, their chests bare and their bodies shining, almost like the light off of his treasure. he approved. as he took his first breath, a scent hit him hard.

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