Cain Coney, Case One, Chapter Two: Classifieds

"cain edwin coney, born october seventh, 1920, in new bowdoin, maine. volunteered for the army on december ninth, 1941. left college for it, which was a shame, considering you were in the top ten of your class. you were a sergeant in the 81st.

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Die Role - Ch 4

"it's a basic irish pub, but with a 1920's era chinese waterfront decor." "a chinese/irish pub? wow... that's 'different' all right!" karen said, as they descended the stairs.

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Gina CatGirl 1

And they'd been doing this cop-crime stuff even before the 1920's with al capone and prohibition bootleggers. 'criminal law' in the rest of the usa meant law dealing with criminals, catching them and punishing them.

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Guten Nacht, Mein Leipchin

As the 1920's style chandelier's lights flicker off and brown out on, william swears amiria stands above him at 7 feet tall, the tawny hair flying in the wind, square human teeth gritting and the long tentacled tongue protruding from it's tip a long and barbed

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An Outside Chance

She'd actually been here once before, in the actual 1920's, ironically enough.

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SoFurry House Party 2013: An Outside Chance

She'd actually been here once before, in the actual 1920's, ironically enough.

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Man Vs. Planet Chapter 1

The layout of my house was strange... although that was common for houses built in the 1920's. the bathroom was set in-between the two bedrooms... with no access to the rest of the house.

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Black Project Files Chapter 1 (Sofawolf Press)

-new york times 1920 we return to joeseph back in 1916. as he is filling out paperwork at a saloon/restaurant, in slithers annabel lee. a mutated woman with a now known dna mix with a milk** **snake** **from the d-virus.

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Core's Opportunity - Chapter 12

How is he going to describe 1920's animation in the paper? thinking about his paper is like taking sleeping pills. he tries to make some headway thinking about it, but each time he gets an idea, his body feels heavier.

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When Dreams become Reality: Chapter 13: Curiosity Killed the Cat....

&biw=1920&bih=960&um=1&ie=utf-8&sa=n&tab=wl)) "holy shit!!!!" a woman screamed in her car, quickly pulling out her cell phone and dialing 9-1-1. "9-1-1 state your emergency."

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Magnus -The Raging Bull

*based on a d&d campaign i played, set in 1920's london, the entries come from the point of view of baylor stoneridge.

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Milk Bar

Its presence brought shade when needed and garnered attention to the painted front window on which had been written, with a pure 1920's style, "the milk bar".

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