[Scrap] Curse Foxes: The Vulpemorph Affliction

(Introduction Encounter) During your journey in your new environment, you stumble upon what at first appears to be a ragged set of clothing and a brown leather cloak, lain discarded on the ground. You go to investigate, but on closer inspection, spy a...

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Zootopia movie script:SWAT act 2

This sloth is already half way into the affliction. see the purple spots? that's one of the mid-stage symptoms. the afflicted animal begins to have fever, followed by enormous sweating, then these purple spots.

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Slayer or Layer 51

One person being afflicted by the curse would kickstart it in the rest. _and more to the point, he's been setting off forest fires all the way here.

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The Pox Dog (Part One)

It is not prudent to take medicine for an affliction only until you stop feeling the symptoms. particularly for one as dire as you are now recovering from.

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The Mook Maker, Interlude 14: The Landlord

He hesitated briefly once he had been reminded that the animal he would be going to ride was one also afflicted by those spirit's afflictions, looking very apparently unwell, changed by the unearthly magic.

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werewolf bonds; ch.1-animosity high

'what if the other kids...or animals try to pick on me. im the only human attending animosity high because of my speacial condition. u see i have a power known as affliction. this power comes to my aid only ahen my emotions surge to a high point. but it doesnt

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Interlude: Origin of Species

Therion is caused by an as-of-yet unidentified mutation, which causes the afflicted organism to synthesize an anomalous, misfolded, infectious protein - a prion, hereby designated therion-1.

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The Weight: Chapter 10

Humphrey lied upon the ground, writhing in pain and bleeding profusely from his newly afflicted wound, which was inflicted by the giant metallic jaws which clamped so viciously to his leg.

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The Routine (A Contest Story)

It used to be a treatment facility for afflicted. until they all got loose and everything went to shit. to keep them from getting out, a weaver who worked there blew the place up. took all the afflicted with her...and the surrounding buildings.

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Countering A Curse - Edgy Dragon TF

"the curse that you were afflicted with was going to kill you in the most painful and unpleasant way possible. i'm talking skin blistering, organ melting, bone shattering agony!"

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Lessons With Mara: Heart and Mind

A surge of emotional distress so powerful that it could cause someone to become afflicted by some sort of magical power or thoughts that go so unrestrained that the same result happens.

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