Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 9: The Day I Became Yours, You Became Mine....

After she had left for the day, i delved into my studies and really applied myself only stopping once for a hub bulletin. the bulletin was on something called the equality now movement.

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PMD The Warrior's of Light

So i pretended i was weak and intimidated by them, when they got close i had unleashed my strongest attack leaf blade followed by multiple hits of vine whip and a solar beam to top it of to ko both of them, i then found that they're wanted on the outlaw bulletin

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To whom it may concern

We have one last request, put this letter up were it will be read by all, be it a bulletin board, subway car, bus seat, or simply online, so that others may read this and not lose hope at love being dead, that some things transcend our lives and link us together

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The Human Species Ch. 40 - Prologue of Year 11

The most important thing to learn is how to- **special news bulletin!** lonesome hunchback lucario was recently spotted by a young trainer in the canyons west of route 15, heading south.

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Relaxation: Chapters 1 and 2

He smiled at the bulletin board at the bottom of the stairs leading to his apartment. for some reason, he always liked the randomness of the colors and sizes of the paper; it was like a collage of life.

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The world in the life of a grey husky. Chpt. 4 The fox's surprise.

Right before the fight scene, a bulletin flashed onto the screen. staring in disbelief, the fox saw a female skunk reporting from in front of a tree. leaning up against the tree was a car that had been badly damaged. "thats mark's car!"

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Snow Bunny - Ch. 5

I made the website live about an hour ago and posted a few notices on local bulletin boards and chatrooms. now we just have to hope that word spreads and someone will call.

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Off Leash Chapter 1

So i waited for him to shuffle past while i paused to glance at the bulletin board by the door, vainly hoping to see a job posting before i followed him out of the coffee shop, my gaze solidly on my feet.

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Bio-Morph FAQ 2

(bulletin board system) that existed before the internet has experienced a renaissance. **is this a mundane, semi-mundane, or fantastical universe?** pure mundane at the current time.

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Chapter 3: First Impressions

However, she saw his true form and can put on a bulletin forcing him to leave the system. the second and only option left is to help her find the culprit so he can clear his name.

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The Featherweight - An Intro

He looked back towards the window, where a large bulletin blimp wafted by, the thorny lizard and horse from the t.v. standing in a fighting pose as their fight was advertised. both of the men on the poster were invited.

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The Donkey Bar

On a bulletin board in the student union are posted a series of posters concerning a new club opening up. the donkey bar. some of my fellow asses are excited over it's opening night celebrations. i am not sure whether i'll go or not.

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