Broken and Torn

'stop please i'm going to die, you're going to kill, it hurts it hurt it hurts' breathing becomes impossible as my airway constrict, heart stopping and starting dying and living dying and living killed by the very thing that's keeping me alive, my body violently

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Nicashee SFW Bio


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Ssssleeep, My Little Pegasussss...

A young, orange, Pegasus pony named Scootaloo made her way through the Everfree Forest on her scooter. Making sure to stay on the path Zecora told her about in order to avoid any dangerous creatures that lurked deeper in the forest. She had been...

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Eat Cute

I'm not that. kind of person. Really, I'm not, but as soon as I saw Hector, my reservations turned perfunctory, crushed under unrestrained lust. His arms that looked like an anatomy diagram shrink wrapped with a layer of cellophane. ...

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Scaling Up Affection

"i won't keep you in the dark, it's my tail, coiling it around a person can be a warm and soft experience, and don't worry, i'm not a constricting breed of snake so i don't think i could do any damage even by accident."

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Capture and Sacrifice

Then, slowly, he began to constrict. jenny gasped as the powerful, muscular body of the snake started to crush her, forcing the air from her lungs. ganesh watched in morbid fascination, then squeezed his eyes shut and looked away.

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Moan for the Mug Shot: Chapter 1

* * * Hey guys! My first story! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! I made it perfect and juicy, just for you guys. And girls. If you're into that. Enjoy! * * * I stared at myself in the mirror, examining my features. My crystal green eyes, blue feathers. All...

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Sexy Snake Woman From Outer Space

Her voice was a whisper he could barely hear over the sound of constricting flesh. "rituals?" he was getting woozy and didn't entirely trust his hearing. she hiss-laughed, but there was no malice in it.

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Lost at Sea (Fic)

His thick tongue coiling around the base of ari's cocks as he gave a soft groan of bliss, nearing his peak before altair's tongue squeezed and constricted.

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Hungry Hungry Angel (vore)

constricting around my waist, " just a little more."

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constrict. constrict. her natural snake-instincts told her this was what she was to do, but why did it feel so strange? constrict. constrict.

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Apex City - Tail Attraction

The headquarters of the League of Super Heroes reside beneath the streets of Apex City. Having a skyscraper with neon LSH on top of it would be too much of a target. And they might get a lot of junk mail. ...

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