Birth of A Dire (What Went on Before, Chapter 1)

He was swordsmith to the king, and had been granted the privilege of posting a short notice for the crier to utter as he made his rounds. his grandcub was born under the sign of the archer and centaur, but her leading star was that of the dragon.

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The Lead Crown, Ch 4.6 Thaddius

Letter was two paragraphs in length, informing brother maynard that he was to take the second part of the letter in no less than a thousand copies, and that each copy was to be distributed to every bulletin board, every inn, every marketplace, and every town crier

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Search for the Kindred Chapter 3

I was never a loud crier. "hey, there is reason to cry." it was that same voice. a brown hand moved to my face to wipe away my tears. i let it happen. my father did that whenever i cried.

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Desperate Measures - Chapter 5

Lumina was never much of a crier, but that day, she cried until she had nothing left. she cried herself to sleep. \*\*\* lumina woke the next morning with more determination than she knew possible.

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Première confrontation

Ryan essaye de leur crier pour leur expliquer ce qui se passe et leur demander de l'aide, mais dans le chaos qui règne personne ne l'écoute, et le taureau est trop près pour qu'il ne puisse s'arrêter.

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Quand le danger n\'est pas là où on l\'attend

Alors même qu'il fait le geste, il entend quelqu'un crier. _- le vampire !_ c'est l'autre renard. ayant déjà eu affaire à ce vampire, il n'hésite pas et se sauve ; tant pis pour ceux qui restent.

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Normae: Nation Profile

Those who have lost an arm usually work as lamplighters, criers, and other such positions that usually favor the voice and legs over arm and hands. those who are mad are tended by the church as are the sick and wounded.


Healing Love - Chapter 33

"why am i such a crier . . . ?" "because you're my sweet little kitten." i blushed and giggled at his reply. during the shower, we took our time seeping the body fur wash into our coats. actually, we were downright washing each other at a slow pace.

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Servant of Darkness - Ch. 11: Prelude to Darkness

The town criers have been talking about him all week and all the terrible things he's done. i assume you've heard of his most recent exploits into lord roygan's estate?

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Realms of Valeron - Chapter 4

How fare the noble duties of our illustrious guild crier?" "this blows chunks" replied roka. "nobody's even stopping. they don't want to be part of a guild full of nobodies like us." exra chuckled, "don't let it get to you.

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Chains and Slavery

And i guess some were envious: as i drew my gaze further to where the court members, guests and merchants alike, and the crier had been, i noticed them fidgeting. well, a few seemed unaffected by the situation.

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Que faire maintenant ?

Une fois sa toile en sécurité dans ses pattes, il se retourne, juste à temps pour voir les voleurs crier et se sauver. mais qu'est-ce qui se passe ? il regarde à nouveau devant lui et... la chauve-souris est là !

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