Sweet Sweet Magic

Ps: i was like, totally strapped for ideas, so i jacked my favorite ddr song's title (well, second favorite). enjoy! \*\*\* nanaki's eyes adjusted to the harsh florescent lighting.

Chapter 16: 20 Minutes in Math Class

He opened his desk and pulled out a piece of paper and a pencil, and made a note to himself to talk to the principal about getting a real ddr machine in there. the students themselves seemed, to sonic, to be trying to impress him.

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A College Life

"hmm... we could play ddr but i must warn you i'm a master at it." said moxy. "that would be ok but not right after i just ate." said josh. "ok later then maybe." said moxy.


Bath Time Bunny

You're supposed to be fixing the air conditioner, not playing ddr!" the bunny girl complained, scowling, her long black ears tensed in annoyance. "it's sweltering in here, i feel faint." she took a few dizzy steps, always being the melodramatic one.

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Sex On The Beach

"rob and brox went off to an arcade they noticed on the strip mall earlier, something about playing a few rounds of ddr... leaving kenneth to babysit ash" "knowing kenneth he's spoiling him with junk food huh?"

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Dancing Magic - Quaquaval TF

"though i guess it wouldn't hurt to put in a few ddr machines as well, give them a bit of magical strengthening to endure whoever uses them.

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Chapter 14: The Assembly

Plus, he had his own ideas for activities, one involving ddr machines. sonic's thoughts were interrupted abruptly when he felt hands resting on his legs. hands that were not his own.

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The Ned Affair

Andrew pulled out his laptop from under the counter and started playing step mania 4, using the arrow keys in place of a ddr pad. after three games, jason returned. "put that damn thing away and listen. i'll make you a deal pup."

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Coming Out Pt. 2

He took us to a really cool arcade, it was fun we danced on ddr for a bit, killed some zombie, and raced on the car games.

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Herbal Essences

Well, the roller rink was overstaffed, the arcade didn't want me anywhere near them seeing as all i would be doing is beating the other cubs' asses at ddr.

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The One

That i'm losing with ddr. i'm in the outcast clique. i also play soccer and here's an issue that only my friends and mom don't really seem to care about. everyone else blows it out of proportion. i'm bi. i also play guitar and have yet to join a band.

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First Steps: Look After You (FINALE)

He furrowed his eyebrows and stepped up onto the other ddr platform. "i couldn't stop thinking about you. i don't why i punched you. it was stupid and i regret it dearly. please forgive me.

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