Night's Embrace

Night's embrace by felsune the air was cold. frost formed on the ground around the walkways and the trees seemed to shake with a chill that had settled in for the winter.

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Embrace in the night

Under the bright moon, as the midnight was approaching, a cloaked shadow made his way up to the farthest tomb in the graveyard. He walked with a slow, measured pace. Almost with a charming kind of cadence, holding what appeared to be a rose, he made...

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Embracing the Nightmare

I'm not simply here to scare you though, as delicious as you would be, i am here to make you something that embraces fear,"_ with a lusty huff he sniffed between her legs.

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Deaths Embrace

Hello everyone I just wanted to thank everyone for giving me advice of how to write so thank you guys sooo much \<3 WARNING! EROTIC GAY RADIATION LEVEL: LEATHAL Contain: Gay sex, technically necrophilia (not sure if it is but w/e), and being in hell...

Embracing Chaos

Don't like, don't read, end of story_ --- embracing chaos --- footsteps padded their way along a small corridor, all inside it a dignified and posh air to the area it brought.

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A Father's Embrace

_All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of consent. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise._ _..._ The gentle family life had continued for the four centaurs and...

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'A Slippery Embrace'

#1 of original writing my first official adult writing ^^ called 'a slippery embrace' :3 this is from a trade that my friend flux and i had earlier. he wanted me to do a story for him and his boyfriend, staples.

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Warming Embrace

Beneath the clear skies of a starry night upon a beach lay two figures, side by side, in comfort with each other's presence. One of them obscured the other with his naturally large size. A scaly blue dragon, donning aqua tinted fins rolling down the...

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Embracing The Heat

Humming as she worked, Penny wiped down the last of the counters in the high-school cafeteria kitchen, her workplace for the past year. She rather liked her job - it was a nice, very well-funded school, which meant they served good food to their...

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The Serpent's Embrace

Down into the embrace of those pulsing folds, allowing the snake to seal his mouth behind them.

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Riverside Embrace

#1 of riverside embrace finally finished this one up. really loved pairing these two together. hope you enjoy!

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