Cat Walk

roscoe leaned back, ears pulling flat against his head as she reached in and clipped it around his neck.

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Biggest Fan

roscoe batted ethan's nose. "your mother and i figured it out a long time ago. i get it. i really do." "what do you mean?" roscoe started the car and backed out of the spot.

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A New Kind of Problem?

roscoe winced upon hearing the old nickname yuiko had given him when they were pups.

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Double Lives

roscoe was using said eyes to look at harvey's drawing. harvey was jumping to try and reach it, downy feathers molting off from stress, but roscoe used his height to keep it just out of reach. "well look at 'dis." said roscoe.

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Roscoe - Meet the Weredog Character

You can find donger over here: a knock at the door tears you away from your daydreams. it's roscoe again.

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Love Lost, Chapter 18a: Dismissals.

roscoe tossed komo a towel with which to dry off as he returned to solymar's side. "no, you're next," said roscoe aloud, interrupting grace's internal deliberation of whether or not she should follow fiona.

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