The Jaguar God

You have committed sacrilege and awakened me from my slumber, now you must pay." "goodbye, nice to meet you, i'm going now." i said. "oh, what's your hurry?" she growled, and i heard a dull thud from down the tunnel.

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Arvians - Reprieve

What he hoped was at the least, absolute sacrilege, and violating the trust and rules of their society as a whole... but if the spirits were guiding him? was this how the first had felt, he wondered?

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Buccaneers of Black Pond Chapter 7

"it's sacrilege to desecrate a body after it's been buried!" roger uttered almost instantly, looking around the store nervously. "also, you said if we didn't want to do it, you wouldn't make us." 92. 93. "yes. we, as in you and frank.

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 94

Worse, a sacrilege. an empty stack of wood. a pyre without a body. a symbol of how easily they had all given up hope. kadai. speaking. giving a pretty little speech, talking about things he couldn't possibly understand.

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Camilla - The Conquerer, Chapter 11

However, isis noticed the sacrilege still during the act, cursed the seed of her husband. thus seth did not spring from his mother's womb in the normal way, but burst forth from her hip. by the curse isis wanted to snatch all negative from her husband.

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Two Buns for the Price of One

He wrung his palms over his chest, contemplating fondling the lion, but feeling as though to touch him as he did something so creative was a kind of sacrilege - that it might sap the magic from the first double-hotdogging in his entire life.

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Demon's Bath

There was the smell of something burning, an acrid stench that burns the nostrils going in, like fumes from an industrial cleaner. And there were noises too, a deep shaking that echoed in Vasili's gut. Room pa-pa, room pa-pa, room pa. Room pa-pa, room...

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Alantris, Chapter 9

"actually we caught him spreading sacrilege at annual's square, and so he was taken by the guards to a cell at the barracks."

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Nine Lives - Ep3

Cy looked up "i usually drink mine on the rocks, but i suspect that would be sacrilege for this?" i grinned back at him. "i'm afraid it would, cy. try it like this." i added the tiniest splash of spring water to his glass.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 186

Worse, a sacrilege. an empty stack of wood. a pyre without a body. a symbol of how easily they had all given up hope. kadai. speaking. giving a pretty little speech, talking about things he couldn't possibly understand.

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Forging Bonds-Chapter 12: Getting Bolder

Then, he lost my interest in his testimonies, struggling to pay attention to not seem i was committing sacrilege. most of the details were unnecessary, in my opinion.

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Fugitive's Trust Prologue Part 1

The aspects would forgive her sacrilege, the commander was sure. she somehow made it through the door and looked about her. around the edges of the large auditorium, teams of two were firing from the windows--one reloading while the other fired.

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