Poem - How Shenzi met with Ed and Banzai

Shenzi was still sour, getting always pissed. but in the darkest hour, she told them they were missed.

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A Final Gasp (quicky snuff gassing)

Some adjustable binding straps were on adjustable rails on the floor, clearly this room was where she would try some alternative things to breathe aside from the oddly sour smell of the room's air.

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Contamination - Hyena

The scent was thicker here, thick enough that he could taste it in the back of his throat, sour and salty.

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(TMNT) Leo, Splinter, and human.

Leo's foot tasted sweet and sour and the same for his strong, sweet, and sour foot odor. the scent stuck to his face. landon licked in between his toes licking out grime.

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The Fox and The Bear

She just gave me a sour look, at least i think it was sour, all persian cats have this pissed off look to them. "morning, fairy boy, it's good to know that your boyfriend didn't keep you up too late last night."

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Good Use #3: Scheduled Cleaning

Sharp and sour, everything that i had already smelled and tasted and swallowed, but so much thicker and richer here...

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Recontextualize 10 - Difficult Choices

The bits of sour milky oatmeal did not make it better either. sour milk bothered her more than the piss since that was supposed to be pleasant and palatable. "not like that," tasha said.

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ToLaD: Chapter 8: Meeting Again

And apparently, he's had many many dealings in the corporate business world that went sour. sour for his own good. time to bring down a dirty rich anthro whose money is really dirty.

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The Wasteland

It's the flat nothing-smell, the nothing-taste heavy on my tongue, just sour-sweet heavy and vile on the back of my throat.

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04 - The Hive

With his sour, oily release came regurgitated, horrific belches of eye watering fumes followed, and cramped agony within the knots of my gut.

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Dragon's Eyes

"you're just lucky you're a cute one." \*\*\* "sour kitty!" the mouse said from the hospital bed. "i'm not really sour kitty. i just look like her." "oh," he tried to process this. "can i have your audoglaf?"

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