The Arrival

starling, keep your client under control or he'll see hard time." the wolfess glanced sideways at the coyote before he dutifully saluted. in a way he kind of admired her hard ass, anal retentive ways.

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Bubblin Trouble

Giving a starled growl buxbi began to pull away only to have a second invisible form push against her front to push her back and sandwich her against the first one. "whoa hey now."

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Bad Day

"don't ever leave me," she said in an almost saddened tone as she closed her eyes and pressed herself against his chest starling him for a minute before deepening his embrace. "i would never leave you anorith. why would you even say something like?"

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The Last Carnival - Preview

._ * * * the rabbit named cliff starling sat by the river's edge. his eyes lazed down on the calm waters of chicago's snaking river.

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A trainer's story [22]

As he released the starling pokemon, jake shouted, 'don't be nervous, stary. just try to focus solely on your opponent.' 'lady first,' said gardenia, 'cherubi, magical leaf!'

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The wild Rose 4: Return home

Narraku was starled at lily's scream. he fell on the sand and turned back. lily was looking at him with a furious look on her face. "so? why did you stand up? what was going trough your mind?" "sorry, i was..."he hesitated. nothing made sense.

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Pokemon D/P Off to Oreburgh

"staravia, the starling pokemon. staravia flies around forests and fields searching for bug pokemon. they usually stay within a huge flock." "sweet! not i have a staravia!" i yell out in glee. "you're still not gonna beat me.


Section I

I cleared my throat, starling the old man to the point that he almost had his chair roll out from under it. "excuse me, but i think i have a reservation here," i said sheepishly.

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Chapter 4 - Roleplay and Rainbows

But this was what made it all the more exciting; not all pre planned like a starling prince and his shower of diamonds. this was more humble, down to earth and yet so strange, new and exotic! "yes commander hurricane. take your princess to bed!"

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Kovu and Mipa: First impressions

He didn't want to get too close to mipa, to avoid starling her, but she'd surely heard him walk through the tall grass, and then it would really look like he was sneaking around.

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Maldrasen the Slaver, Chapter 2

Still staring down at the ground he says, "your servant starling is in the private cell, healing the young human. reed is undergoing her cleansing at the court of talondred as was ordained in the accord with him."

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A trainer's story [13]

**_starly, the starling pokemon. starly normally travels in a flock, but when alone, it is hard to notice_**. "you thief, get down here!" lucario growled, "no one stole my chocolate and get away with it!" "so what do you gonna do, mutt?"

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