Unwilling Test Subject

Unwilling test subject by zrathie jamie the anthropomorphic fox had scored a new job at a remote base. he was a maintenance technician for a underground laboratory.

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Feralphile, Subject 12

You will be assigned the name subject 12 for the purpose of this study. i want you to tell me everything about your zoophile experiences in as much detail as possible.

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Test Subject Sprite

While he found it all rather amusing, the potential of a wage as a test subject caught his attention.

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Project X | Chapter VI: Blackout

Chapter VI BLACKOUT _Ex_ At first, I didn't mind waking up from a pure black, dreamless sleep. I minded it soon after I realized I was lying in a bed. There were two things I noticed once I woke up. First off, my body was back to its regular...

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Project X | Chapter I: Awakened

Chapter I AWAKENED _Ex_ The sun woke me up, but I was used to that. Just because I was used to it doesn't mean I didn't like to be woken up in that manner. It was actually a pain, but a pain I had to deal with it every single day of every month...

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Broken Heart Warrior

Contains violence, subjective material, war, and death. pretty tragic really, but this was from my mind. even i don't know what goes on up there!

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Project X | Chapter III: Impatience

Chapter III IMPATIENCE _Ex_ The rest of the week felt like a major blur. I remembered going outside for the first time ever Monday, but Tuesday through Saturday felt like I had been put through a blender and was too difficult to determine. Out...

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Project X | Chapter IX: Clairty

Chapter IX CLARITY _Ex_ _ _ Right when I met Hunter, I thought I couldn't trust him since he was a part of the outside world. I changed my perspective of him once he took me out on what he called a "shopping spree" a week later. Maybe I had...

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Project X | Chapter VII: Legacy

Chapter VII LEGACY _Kindle_ The entire base was in a panic. I found myself running around like a chicken with its head cut off amongst the ongoing pandemonium, not knowing where to go next or who to check up on. There was just confusion and...

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Re-induction: Subject 2

Dr. Remi'ke bid his last patient of the afternoon goodbye. The vixen had the usual look of those who had just experienced their first dose of his therapy: a slightly glazed-over look of blissful happiness mixed with a bit of mild surprise at the late...

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Waking Up As A Test Subject

Waking up somewhere unfamiliar was never a pleasant experience. It was worse still when you woke up strapped to a bed, with a small tube hovering right over your face. "O...okay...I know I didn't drink **that** much last night..." Kenta was...

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