Unknow Future

Was this cause i made a customer unhappy about we were out of tofu paste? the car stopped as i hear the buzz of the gate door opens. the car continues as it got bumpy. i started breathing hard, i didn't know what was going to happen to me.


The Benefits of Solo Travel

Jim stopped and got some inarizushi, which was sweet fried tofu stuffed with rice. according to the guidebook, foxes were apparently fans of fried tofu. he would have to take their word for it.

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Twinks Across America: Ch. 43 - New Jersey

Never did i think a black bean burger could taste like real meat, nor did i ever consider trying out a tofu salad until i read the list of toppings for it.

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The fire in the flood chapter 3

One particular anime of the racing genre focusing on the delivery of tofu fantasized mac. mac was now sitting on the driver's side with the door open and phone in hand. "afternoon, sergeant," mac said into the phone.

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Twinks Across America: Ch. 47 - Massachusetts

I shrugged, then stabbed my fork into the slice of steak as alex nibbled on his tofu salad. it was later into the afternoon, and after recovering from the 'ritual', we showered together before suggesting we go out for dinner. my treat, of course.

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Serval and Sheep (Chapter 36)

She could always just eat more tofu. after her lap around the market, she tiptoes nearer to the flap-protected entrance in the hopes of spotting molly finished with her business. much to her frustration, she is not.

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Squad Goals - Ch14.1

As an obligate carnivore, there were limits to how much plant matter she could ingest before she _needed_ meat no matter how much protein beans and tofu had in them. and, of course, having the border collie back so soon was an absolute pleasure.

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Untouchable: Chapter 21: Jealous remorse

It's made of tofu, clams, whey, and a mix of some fats, well he was probably busy with everything, weren't you worried about him at all?" paul asked."why would i worry about him ignoring me?" xander asked."

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Variety is the Spice of Life

There were dirty plates on the counter, and remnants of tofu wrappers and all-soy sausages... apparently beast boy had already eaten breakfast. robin headed into the titan's indoor training arena.

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A New Guardian

You're like tossing a fatty a giant wad of flavorless tofu and saying 'that's your lot.' fuck...i mean, at least you're gay, but that's not enough!" "...but i'm not gay. that's not allowed." "i was just in your head, kid. you're gay.

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The Change, part 1

The smell was vaguely off-putting, even as his stomach growled and groaned; artyom and he had been very lean eaters, back when salad and and tofu had been readily available. still, a hot meal would do them both some good, he thought.

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Revealed: Epilogue

Medium rare beef, not the tofu shit that was served on the ship. the tradition of officers eating better meals had died a long time ago, we ate the exact same stuff as any of the sailors.

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