Got Any Of That?

"Well, I don't know. I think about myself that I'm a cool guy who loves to try everything, but this smells kinda funky to me." Yax's eyes open wide, staring blankly at Nick, before suddenly and violently sneezing, causing all the flies to move away...

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You're Completing Me

"You can now say your vows." Kyra couldn't believe her luck after finally lifting's Kaitlin's hood of her mesmerizing, pearly white wedding dress. Even if they were dating for years and she was a fiance for additional ones, seeing her alluring...

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Judging By The Cover

Being on a very first date is usually attached to that anxious feeling, creeping down the spine and causing that familiar cold sweat in similar, stressful situations. "What if they will not like me?" This is the normal question, often asked not...

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Be A Man

It's a common misconception that all wealthy people not only know each other but also are often taking part in various decadent events that 'normal' people can only dream about. That faulty information often taken from raunchy movies and spicy...

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[Extreme] Know Your Place

It's a common saying that ignorance is bliss and absolutely no one but the party involved has the right to what's going on in someone's life. It does include people's households, where it's a private business what is going on there at the time....

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Let It Loose!

It's common knowledge that the most unexpected people hide their deepest secrets and desires, sometimes dark or just quite embarrassing. While the metaphorical skeleton closets might change the view of the person, often ignorance is bliss. But in...

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Stay In My Swamp

Once in a while, it was the father's duty to finally and thoroughly clean the offspring's room, once they were outside of his home. Although he didn't find any piles of dirty clothes or dishes, not even suspiciously sticky, singular socks. Terry liked...

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Uncommon Attraction

When talking about tourist traps, people often mean establishments like expensive restaurants, casinos, or markets full of predatory merchants. While it was never explained in detail, some locals described an old factory as one of those lures. While...

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Deep Connection

Nobody could ever predict, how modern cosplaying events would become after many years since they existed. The so-called "All-Con" absorbed all other large or smaller gatherings, from simple FurryCon to the most famous Comic Con. While it lasted no...

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Just A Dream

The moon's light felt almost hypnotizing, calming nerves down and completely safe. After all, it was so far away, so even an usually innocent looking object couldn't hurt her. Maybe that's why she just couldn't alter her gaze. She wondered if it was...

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Sweet Home

Joe's Fine Dinery has seen better days, located at the city's edge, in a rather poor neighborhood. But slums or not, it had the cheapest buffet, overflowing with fat, sugar and precious calories for a measly ten dollars, to stuff the face indefinitely....

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Carpe Orbes

Carpe Diem. A common saying which means to seize the day, used mostly as an excuse for reckless life and grave decisions, instead of pursuing dreams and becoming something better, even if taking up various risks. But apparently, the younger generations...

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