FTX Florescent Desert is Charlie Foxtrot

wilhelm and frost went up ahead to pick up the drone and stash it away while cence and gryers made one final sweep to check for any equipment accidentally left behind during the exercise.

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My Life is Super Issue 5 - Chapter X

Traded wilhelm for transportation back to west california island." "reaper strikes again." "indeed. wilhelm is raging and ranting. well... _was_ until wendigo got to him." wendigo... mattias grimaced at the thought of the fate that awaited him.

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Universe of Conflict-Chapter Three

"alex wilhelm, i think you will do well" a very beautiful human figured white wolf sat before him in the chair.

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Inheritence -Chapter 2-

No can do, you really need to come with me, wilhelm." oh hell no. i backed up, stepping into the street and mildly proud that i managed not to trip."i'm not even going to try and figure that one out.

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A Journey Begun - Chapter 24 - Something out of 1984

wilhelm. "what's next? well, now that wick here is back, we are going to prepare for the biggest fireworks show in boston's history!"

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A Different Kind of Tank

"it is something that should give us an advantage over wilhelm's men, they're shipping a few of them out here as we speak. so you needn't feel so nervous about the charge, lad.

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With Malice Towards...: Chapter 1, Everyone

wilhelm vanderbilt will be representing the interests of the city, and the crown. mr. lucas wraithtail will be representing the interests of the defendant. let all come forward and be heard."

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Son of a Gun (Chap14, Book7)

"my name is wilhelm snipes. i've been doing this line of work for a very, very long time." aimee arched her brows. "funny - you don't look old." snipes ignored her comment. "this can go one of four ways.

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A Wolf on Sauria Ch.5

One of the sharpclaw managed a very good impression of the wilhelm scream as it went flying. off in the distance, a battle cry cut through the rest of the noise. "aaaaaaaaaaaa!!" a single sharpclaw appeared over the hill.

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Universe of Conflict Chapter Five

"alex wilhelm, it has to be!" from the shock, she went into a near panic, she held up the gps to inform luxa. "captain, you won't believe what i... ugh!"

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Inheritence -Chapter 1-

wilhelm dravere; beloved grandson, historian, finder of old tin cans. it was six years before i finally convinced myself to find that can. six years of hunting down ancient doo-dads and colorful, long-broken mechanisms, buried by dead civilizations.

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