Highschool Secrets pt 2

I'm in the gay straight alliance in this school." "oh yea that's right you are." "listen i have something i have to tell you....i'm gay." "really man i thought you were straight i mean you had sex with a girl last year."

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Parent-Teacher Meet

As in gay-straight alliance?" my father asked, to which i folded my ears and cecil nodded calmly. "yes sir. i was given approval by the principal and yesterday was out first meeting." he said. _how can he be so calm about this?

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Chapter Six

"so what brings you to archer's gay-straight alliance?" i flat-out ask. he turns and looks at me; his pink hair covering one of his beautiful jade eyes and answers coldly, "problems."

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One Man's Desires - Part Two

It didn't matter if they were gay, straight, single, married. whatever. right now, all that mattered was their need to masturbate the delicious cock of the male before them.

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First Time's The Charm

Look, i don't care whether you're gay, straight, bi or whatever; the only thing i care about is that you're happy!" jack sniffed and wiped his eyes. "oh god! thank you so much sadie! i'm so glad i can trust you!"

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The Barn Yard: The Wolf Six

"are you straight, bi, or gay?" "straight," lucy answered. the cougar picked up a book and pushed a book toward lucy. lucy opened the book the first picture was that of a small dragon.

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My Pack chapter six

As some of you may know i mentor the gay, straight alliance at this school along with robert zinns. a group that was started just this year, back in september."

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"we already were kind of betting on whereas you'd turn out gay, straight or bi. should have made a bet about that as well." "to be honest at first i thought you were just attention seeking.

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Going into the closet?

We met at a g.s.a meeting in high school( gay,straight alliance) and since then our feelings for each other have only grown,stereotypical i know but it's true. he's an elk, i'm surprised that he's not a cop or something, he definitely has the body for it.

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The Den ~ A Tale of Me and My Lover

This revealed a vision that would make any person, male, female, gay, straight, bi, or asexual look twice, if not stare for hours.

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A Sleep Over...Gone Yiffy

Don't hate me momo, if you read this x 3 a sleep over...gone yiffy it was a hard day at school and there was a meeting at the gsa " gay straight alliance" after school, kiba " me- a white wolf / fox" wanted to skip it and go straight home but my friend momo

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Memories - Coming Out

gay, straight, bisexual, asexual, and even non sexual you are you and you are one of the most awesome guys that i know. just promise me that you won't start wearing makeup and wearing skirts; that would just make me uncomfortable!"

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