Paladin of The Dark Sun, Chapter 6: Surprises

Hutchinson teaches home-ec at the school. i think amanda gets her love of us 'furred' races from her. oh, you should know that ginger is micah's cousin, so if he acts like the over protective big brother around her, don't be surprised.

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Fox and the Tiger: A Magnus and Bernard story

Aside from the basic courses, everyone attends their other classes like theater, home ec to shop class, and auto-shop, and so on. the day progresses, and it's now around 3 p.m.

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"Besties" Part One [Story]

Liz silently thanks her high school home ec teacher as she puts her long-forgotten skill in needlework to use - she places bits and pieces of string along her legs; even a few strands under her arms and on her feet.

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"you in home ec?" another one said. taw's face retreated deeper into his ears, and finally, he arrived at the cafeteria. it was a large room, a sea of green uniforms with a buzz of chatter resounding overhead.

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A New Brother - Part 17

"double period, home ec. going to make a nice strawberry tart and maybe some soup if we get the theory out the way, or if there's any at all today." "you do theory?" troy asked, nearly chuckling. "of course.

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Connie and Shaun's Master Plan

Shaun and connie excelled in all the classes they had together, home-ec was easy for the twins, their mother's help with basic cooking made the class a breeze._ _gym was the most troublesome for shaun, his instincts wanting him to catch a peek, but connie

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Calicode: Part 1: Chapters 1-21

"timmy," she said, "there's this girl shelly i know from the pool, she told me that in home ec you do a baking or cooking team project. would you want to work with me baking?"

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A New Brother- Part 11

"oh, um. . .can you guys show me where the home ec class is?" * * * "thanks for letting me sit with you guys." "its fine rei." jamie told him before taking a bite out of his food.

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The Star Attractions: A Pink and Blue Diaperfur Adventure Part 1

"alexandra," she glared up into the eyes of a taller, quivering bear. " playing with a game boy during home ec. are you serious about feminization, alexandra?" the bear shook. "y-y-yes, lady lin lin," she squeaked out, then added, "ma'am.

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The Pokemon Within

"i've home-ec up next, cooking class, and we're making quiche. i thought you might like some." i shrugged, watching as the teachers rounded the corner and swiftly apprehended the team galactic member and his knocked out machamp.

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Saving the Sha'khari 2 - The Hard Life and Mentoring

"your mom's busy enough already," he grunted, "she doesn't have time to waste teaching home-ec to some brat who'll only ever use it once." "you're wrong," mrs.

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Maranatha - Chapter XVI - as told by Nicky Marlowe

There's always a couple guys who do stuff like dance or home ec and if you pay close attention there's always one or two that don't slouch like the others.

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