The Persistent Dragon Slips Up Again

Perhaps she shouldn't mention mating with jasper. what if lucille got angry too? then the dragon really wouldn't know what to do! instead she thought quietly for a moment. penelope sat up and looked lucille in the eye.

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Everything You Want Act 1 - Makeshift Chemistry

It's like you mention sex to them once, show a little undertail, and they'll give you anything for a sniff.) a twitch of her nostrils caught wind of a fresh droplet on the fish's body, nearly getting her to purr a bit before scanning the area.

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Oggstrosse Part 3: Moment of Respite?

-she replied simply- i know your kind have a taboo when mentioning sex in public.-she leant closer to him and sniffed him- and i can smell you're no virgin yourself, he blinked in surprise- i am a virgin...i just....had a...

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A tale of two prides

Not to mention fuck. kovu even saw a couple guys fucking in their car as he pulled up.

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Bronwyn: Seasons Past

Bronwyn fumed angrily, uncrossing her arms and clenching her fists, "nobody mentioned sex! and so what if it feels good, mum? it's my milk, why shouldn't i _enjoy_giving it away?"

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A Renegade Reborn - 4 - Working Man

It didn't mention sex, but it did mention to avoid spilling things and to clean up biological accidents immediately. sure thing, boss, i'll avoid having a _biological accident_ all over cara's tits. my turn to put my boots on the table.

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A Renegade Reborn - Pt4 - Working Man

It didn't mention sex, but it did mention to avoid spilling things and to clean up biological accidents immediately. sure thing, boss, i'll avoid having a _biological accident_ all over cara's tits. my turn to put my boots on the table.

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Mortality Prologue and Chapter 1

"just mention sex and they're under the sheets or diving for each other's tonsils." jason grinned back and pointed a wooden spoon accusingly at his son. "hey, it's not that bad anymore.

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Where The Frost Rose Withers

"i was hoping he would quit whimpering everytime i mention sex eventually." kassel whimpered again, giving the bear a look that said 'i feel your pain.' "speaking of which, how do you guys feel with a couples session?" "w-what?"

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Influencing Others

"you never mentioned fucking guys before." "ow!" tyronne grunted. "listen, i don't know who you think you are, but you're way out of line if you think you can tell me who i'm supposed to like.

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Collector Manson 5

"agreed, not to mention sex for me. i can almost guarantee they will want me to bred them or their slaves... or both." "master, is this a wise decision? you already have your own spawn under your name. why cause more?"

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