The Rowans and The Greys Chapter 3: Recall

I just fucking nailed this tight little vixen in my car," he'd said, the smell of booze on his lips from obvious post orgasmic celebration down at the bar, "probably going to have to make up a story about how that bitch tore up the back seat to dad."

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Where You Going To Run Too Now - Chapter Two - FINALE

Sean cuddled isabella, resting his chin on her shoulder, lost in the post orgasmic rush of adrenaline and endorphin's, as isabella sighed in pleasure - pleased with her young son, in more ways than one.

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Kirara's Heat

For a few moments, they both stared at each other silently as they basked in the warm post orgasmic afterglow of their orgasms. kirara then noticed her love juice covering sango's face and she proceeded to lick sango's face clean.

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Chasing Your Dreams

The lion valued this post-orgasmic silence and always took a moment to fully enjoy the sensation. however, tonight would be different. footsteps could be heard clicking his way; heels. something small.

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The Village Board (Part 2)

The doe was left to revel in her own panting and post orgasmic bliss.

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After Hours

Cobalt answered though in the only way he knew how, by delivering a long, post-orgasm whinny of approval at the hyena's helpful assistance. "heh. typical stallion."

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The Arrivals

Brad collapsed on the couch, enjoying the post orgasm bliss and the tingly feeling of max's spunk traveling throughout his body. it was the same with brian and alex.

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The Triple Milker

The fox was still whimpering, and as gil looked up from his post-orgasm haze, he started shaking more and let out a load moan as he, too, came hard, his entire body tensing up with each spurt.

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Good boy!

All your worries, your job, money, and doubts leak from your cock, leaving you with only a post-orgasmic bliss and the knowledge that you are here with your master.

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The Dragon, Iguana and Prejudices

As her climaxes faded, they held each other in their arms, smiling at each other in satisfied, post-orgasmic bliss. "damn, that was the best casual sex i've had in a long time... well, except for all that rough pounding.

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Spooky Paws Final Chapter

His head hurting from the demons toes squishing his face, his balls aching as they deflate, his member pulsating in post orgasmic sensitivity, swimming in cum inside the demons ass.

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Off the Rails

He simply stared, panting and trembling in post orgasmic rapture, at the canine female now observing the scene laid out before her.

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