Zay the Katana

A decent pair of running shoes were slipped onto my feet and i opened the door, feeling the welcoming call of spring. there was something i looked forward to.

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Thieves VS. Mercenaries chapter 5

Alphard was wearing loose clothing, good running shoes, a loose t-shirt, and sweatpants. the fox licked his lips and leaned back on the counter. "you have some kind of race planned", asked baxley, swishing his tail.

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Beau - Prologue

A pair of white boxer-briefs, white socks, denim blue jeans, black running shoes, a leather black belt with a silver buckle and a hooded pale blue, striped jacket over the tee.

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Days Before

She changed into a casual black skirt that cut off at her knees and put on black running shoes, following katie out the door after grabbing her key off her dresser. the door locked automatically. ayame stayed in room 420, a corner one.

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Five Hours

He was in black jeans and running shoes, a white jacket, and a black long-sleeved shirt. "sylmi was anticipating this." "so was i." skye met him halfway, embracing his waist with her arms and resting her cheek against his chest.

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Life of a Werewolf- Chapter 1

I switched into some shorts, a white t shirt, and my running shoes and headed off for my run. i didn't know where anything was in town so i just decided to jog straight and see where it leads me. it was so nice outside when i was running.


Big Brother Knows You're Watching Ch 2

Joel panted and his claw toes curled in his running shoes.

Commission: Draconic Sportsmanship

He then pulled out a dark blue strap and wristband, with matching running shoes and a pair of socks. "see, perfectly normal." she said with a small smile.

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Trainer's dreams

Calvin opened up his eyes, finding himself sat on the ground of some tall woods, dressed himself with a cap, a shirt, a jacket, jeans, running shoes and a bag hanging on his right shoulder.

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Shifting Consequences--Chapter 34: Inner Identities

Her running shoes are the last things to go on. she uses the bench to tie them making sure they are snug but not tight. she's ready for a workout. she smiles as she closes her locker. until she found this gym, she enjoyed minneapolis far less.

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Sluggish Reactions [Slug Naga TF] (Trade)

Finally, she ties up her pair of black running shoes and grabs her water bottle and locker key. "oh yeah... i guess i should try out that mix jane gave me, it seemed pretty good." she thought to herself.

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Twist Of Fate [Trade]

The pulled and squeezed and pressed and forcibly reformed her as though her body were made of the same clay that stuck to the bottom of her running shoes.

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