A simple story III : Part I

He never imagined that hearing that name once more would bring those sad memories back to his mind. that cursed day or by turning on the tv on the local channel they had, him and ed, learned of jimmy's death.

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Some Fun of Our Own

It wasn't his intention to bring up sad memories for her. she and pete had been married for twelve years when he decided to walk out on her and harold, who was only ten then. he remembered harold had been miserable for days.

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The Runt: Under the Weather

"sad memories tod?" tod looked away, feeling awkward. "y-yes...it's nothing...i'm sorry about the snow! i'll clean it up, i promise!" he instinctively winced as she patted him on the head, but amy only began scratching his ears.

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Spirit Bound: Chapter 130

Yet, tonight, after all the turmoil and sad memories, the ancient one found himself certain he would forgo even that most tempting forbidden fruit, were it freely offered. the amorous wolf made his enquiry. "so, uh," he paused to hiccup.

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Though she said that she knew he meant well, he still felt very guilty over accidentally bringing up what seemed like sad memories. his mind scrambled for a way to try and make things up to her. "hey," he finally said. vanessa looked over to him.

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The Fox and The Hound: Upbringing

To hide his pain as the sad memories flooded his mind. _come on copper, you old boy, that was months ago. they're your future now. besides, look at how happy they are! it's just a lake, cool lake_.

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Infiltration [Commission]

sad memories, and phobias, and...formatting complete.who...?what...?it doesn't matter. i feel... empty.empty feels...strange.frightening, or comforting.i know those emotions exist, but i can't feel them...install in progress the emptiness is gone.

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story: A Dragon in Equestria: Greldon & Twilight (w/m)

And then, there was something else... a smell, slightly familiar, a smell which suddenly triggered sad memories. but was it really... equine scent? „hello there", he rumbled into the darkness.

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The Substitute Tooth Fairy: A Bon Bon Tale

"and now, i'm a fairy princess, living in a huge, empty castle, filled only with lonely and sad memories." as she said this, she slumped, her ears drooping, and ignacio realized that her sadness wasn't an act. "but, don't you have good memories too?"

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Chapter 3

As the sad memory came to him of finding out his nanna had died as his family rushed to the hospital but they got there too late. it had been a month since he had last seen leon maybe he got over the attack?

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Welcome to Otterbont

It stores many sad memories, this house. anders, rebecca, and even old nathaniel himself. \*\* rebecca turner walked down the gently curved path leading to her gorgeous view of the hudson river.

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Pride in Family

The sad memories. the fond memories. the dreaded memories... and the naughty memories. "t-toki..." gosha whimpered weakly, as all that was left of the fight left his body, and he started to melt on legoshi's touch.

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