Growing Up Greenfield (1)

So this is what shooting stars were made of, huh? probably just some sort of rock that liquified in the atmosphere.

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The Bonding (2008)

Seeing the shooting star, both clench their hand together against the other as both spoke out at once. "oh omoth, giver of life, provider of love.

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Flying Mile High Chapter 10

I saw a shooting star and made a wish. i wished that you would be my first kiss". joe whispered back. "3rd of july, 1996. when i was with you i saw the same shooting star. i wished that i would find a man who would love me protect me.

Memoires and Dreams Love

I had enough strength to roll on my back to look at the sky slowly looking at the slivery dusk sky when i saw a shooting star.

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Dreamscape: By Light of the Crescent Moon

A shooting star. it caught him completely by surprise. he looked down upon the mare beneath his hand, "was that your doing?"

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Chapter 13: Long Lost

"they were the shooting star from my dream," said another voice, this one male. zeinara followed the sound of the voice and saw a male fox standing over her.

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A Werewolf's Touch: Part 4 - Swept Away

What looked to be a shooting star whizzed across a moonlit sky. he pointed towards it. "...a shooting star is not a star. true stars have order, they are fixed in position and know their purpose.

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Can't Eat Another Bite

Clover unintentionally ruins her younger brother's day and wishes on a shooting star that she could cheer him up again. she got a solution, just, not what she was thinking.

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guardians of paradise ch. 1 miracle forest

Kendo: oh great shooting star in the sky, please grant my wish. i wish for a companion who could see past my rough exterior and see the real me.

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Down the Swimming Hole

Then saw a shooting star come down. this sucker, actually," he held out the rock. which wasn't glowing anymore. it still had a mirrored, faintly rainbow tinge to it, but was smooth. glassy almost.

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My Eternity

star wisps my soul away the shadows consume my skin in darkness and yet i can't wait for the first sun rise

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