The First Date

I could handle the start of something great, i could handle being happy. it was an amazing feeling.

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The Evermor Prophecies - Rensgarde

But, this war was the start of something big... something once mentioned in the evermor prophecies end of prologue

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The Aftermath and The Confusion

#2 of the start of something new this is part two and three of "the start of something new." i hope you enjoy! all of this was written by me, all by myself, so please don't try to claim it or any of that funny stuff.

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Behind Every Cover

Then there will be ones of growth, happiness, friends, family and goals that you will complete behind every cover is the start of something new behind every cover is a page behind every cover there is a new start behind every cover...

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Memories of an Unnatural Dream

Little did i know that it was the start of something bigger; a friendship i could have never expected forging in a million years.                               

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Short stories: Selena's Beginning

This is the start of something i'm going to be adding to here. short stories about my two characters, khyrsaraylynx and selena darkheart. this one is about selena's beginnings.


Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 5

Perhaps the start of something... wonderful...? he needed to know more. he needed to know everything. he needed to know _her_...

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Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 5

Perhaps the start of something... wonderful...? he needed to know more. he needed to know everything. he needed to know _her_...

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Black Blood in Darkness Chaper 1 Night of Revenge

On the news they say that this may be only the start of something horrible that has yet to come.

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Altered Affection - Chapter 1

..and at that point, kameron new that this was the start of something new - the start of something that he'd never forget.

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Roses - Aleser X Dàire

Was this the start of something beautiful? a male dragon and a male gryphon? in love? it was meant to be? aleser knew it was and deep down in dàire's heart, he knew it as well.

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The Beast in the Mirror

Just the start of something i guess ^^ expect what has been tagged and more mature and sexual themes to develop in the future "yeah, well fuck you too!" i angrily slam my headset down, end the call and flop backward onto my bed.

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