True Monster

the consorts know those people are no match for a large male gryphal."_ "hey kid, just take it easy and try to calm down.

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Ch.5 Rescue Mission

Chessa's group makes their rounds pausing for abit at the consort's office. at the entrance she is greeted by nelyna a young asari in sha'ira's employ. "ah shepard, welcome back." "hey nelyna.

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A Biography of a Human: "The Imperial Litter"

"the consort's days of malign influence are over! he is a spent force and a paper monster now after today!" "why?" "the son! that's why! the alpha will spend all of his time doting on the pups of his and their mother over that washed up human!"

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Love of the Dragon Ch. 10

Within minutes, i moaned in pleasure, letting anyone listening know that i was indeed the consort of langston the black.

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The night in Narnia 3 - Chapter 2 - Susan - The Gentle- Version 2

"he is the consorts of queen lucy and father of her daughter. his rank is just below the a king and he is only queen lucy. therefore, it can also give no commands from the other kings, let alone one of us.

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Code of Dishonor: Twin Destinies

You are the consort of the king, taking him away from his wife and family, feeding his hunger for man flesh..." the beast lord whispered. "no..." carlo whimpered, but he knew it to be true.

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First Chapters: Shiloh's Vacation

"lrrrvvv yyyyywwwww," the consort grinned, his face pressed several inches into the fully vertical surface of what had recently been his trim and taut belly.

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Fates of the Unicorns 23 - Making Eggs

I always imagined being the consort of some powerful elf lord." she stroked the unicorn leg in her lap and continued. "i was happy serving my master, his name was pomasunu. but it was risky... we had to meet in secret.

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Princess Luna - Chapter 3

I _will_ earn my place here, princess, and i'll become the consort you _deserve!

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Freelancers, Chapter 24

Michel's clinic and see if i can get my own prescription, then look up the consort lia spent the night with next time we're on illium._ "so," val said, getting the conversation back on track, "what have you found?"

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Korlin's Reminiscence

The rest of the consorts were much the same - dealing with everything they possibly could on their own, and sending only the most severe problems up the chain.

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