My Hero and Me: My Greatest Adventure Ever 1: Fiction or Alive

My rpg maker's programming language, rgss, basically ruby, lets me create other features so it's possible to create other game genres, but so far only in 2d. there hardly has been any notice for 3d games yet.

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When your grandmother's saturday morning cartoon has stepped out of the 2d and is giving you pointers on how to select the best meat at the deli counter, it isn't really cute and funny anymore.

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Wrath of Serpentess

But freed from 2d textures on a polygonal frame, with real fur and real hair, pawstruck looked incredibly stunning. so sweet, so soft, and oh so fuckable.

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Galactic Racing eXtreme - Episode 1, Part C

The black and chrome racer faced her, the metallic skull on its front a perfect match for its fearsome-looking driver, a cyborg who called himself gearhead and looked like a skinless terminator robot from an old 2d linx had seen.

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Tale of the Reader Pt. 5

He gestured, and a grainy 2d image of a barren street appeared. "this was recorded by wsr team 21-t, also known as the 'red claws', eight months ago. the street you see before you is in the original washington dc.

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Core's Opportunity - Chapter 16

"oh, like 2d or 3d?" she asks. "a bit of both, but i'm ultimately trying to get into 3d because i'd like to animate for video games." "which game company would you most like to work for?" "blizzard.

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People Shopping

His 2d arms folded behind his back and his fur changed from hair to cotton. he span and hung upside down, his mouth forcefully opening and his tail pointing out straight. "whoa..." tachis said, slightly impressed by trevor's slow transformation.

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The Gates of Hell III- Imperial Mandate

All east-central units, class 5 medical emergency on msr-3 sector 2d. i repeat class 5 medical emergency, all available emergency personnel to msr-3 sector 2d.

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A Chance to Touch

As simple as the game was as the canine fiddled and figured out the controls to move a character around a little 2d space, the fact it was on a calculator made it special. "remind me to borrow this for math class..." "nathaaan!"

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Hands-On Tutoring

He could be a live model for the 2d art classes, or an anatomy model. chris could see through the thin coat of yellow fur all of the muscle definition that he had apparently worked so hard on.

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Sorcery.Net: Pet Monster Mayhem

He unpaused the game, surprised to find that it was some sort of 2d metroid inspired something or other. a closer look at the player sprite showed that it was indeed samus, though a bit different then normal.

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