Spring Break Chapter 2

I remained silent, taking a pull on my beer. "you heartless son of a bitch! you would have let her _drown_! why, tell me why you would have done it?"

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Beer and Whine make Everything Fine

As i drank more of the beer, i felt the urge to try and repay the little twerp. i finally made up my mind and made him stand up. he was a little wobbly from his intake, but he was able to stand long enough for me to drop his pants.

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Day 1: Better Than Good

How about a couple beers over here bill and a green apple bite!" travis smiled waving to a large bull down the way wearing a pink button up shirt.

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My Life VI

They had alcohol and so to loosen up i grabbed a beer. i downed the whole thing in one gulp, not a good idea. so then later i found her as the party was winding down.

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Solace In Misery - Part One

"just, just get me a beer..." i said, fighting just to get words past the lump in my throat. he came back with my beer and set it down.  

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Average Days Aboard the Praxiteles: Issue #1 [Request/Trade]

Might as well get that beer i left out. can't let it go to waste." on his way to do so however, he came across an unexpected sight.

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Guadalupe (2)

Terrible-tasting beer always turned a tide for the worse when left out to expire immeasurably after a prolonged period of waiting.

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PetCo Park

He waited until sky reached his thin arm out to grab the beer before he tossed the contents of the bottle on his face.

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_u_sed... (part 9)

Turbo brought the beer can back to his sight, tilting it around as if examining it for the first time. a stupid pork caricature was drawn on it, he didn't like this brand much, but beggars can't be choosers; a beer is a beer anyway.

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Do Me, Roomie

You have any more of those, uh... beers?" beer was a very generous word for what mel often drank. it was cheap and strong, and that suited mel just fine. mel chuckled. "really? last time you tried one you didn't finish it.

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Wild West Fuck

But first these beers are for you..." he says then grabs clays ass and spreaded his recently used hole and slowly poured the liquid inside. clay shivers as the beer goes inside his hole and looks at bucker, who was next for a beer filling.

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All Hallow's Eve: Predators

As he gazed into his eyes he sipped his beer and asked mundane questions, laughed at some poorly told jokes and occasionally winked or touched the bear's arm or leg gently.

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