The Oracle Part 2 The Amazon

Instinctively i curled back my lips in flehmen, testing her pheromones. it was obvious that she was at peak fertility. i had no doubt that i would be planting my cub in her fertile womb.

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Pony Prostitution

Jeffrey shuddered, unable to hold the massive flood of stud jelly in his filly hole and erupted all over the lap of the black stallion with stringy streamers of steaming horse cum, the musky male wafting into both of their muzzles, making them flehmen and

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Helping Mother Nature

He could control his head anymore, his tongue lolled from his muzzle, his chops pulled back, starting to flehmen, he could now taste and smell her, telling his leopard body that she is in heat for sure and that she is very receptive.

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Clydesdale Colonoscopy

The doctor remarked, his lip curled in a flehmen to demonstrate how the clyde knew he was horny.

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Companions Chapter 04: The Link

Then, suppressing the urge to flehmen, he whinnied in fury instead, and dug his hooves into the earth, tearing it open and imagining it was the flesh of the black mare that he ripped from her bones.

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Companions Ch. 39

"just making sure he got all put back together, love," said josh, who then sniffed his fingers and flehmened. the savoring of virtual human pheromones was cut short when the anthraun suddenly noticed something he had never seen his own mate do.

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Phone Secks

His slick juice spewing cock as little trickles of juice dripped from the wide sticky head of the equine yiff flesh and dripped down his shaft to the very edge of his balls like stinky thick gobs of horse musth; the smell entering his nose and making him flehmen

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Unpaid Overtime

The little pony breathed in then lifted his head and curled his top lip upwards in the archetypal flehmen response then let out a short, shrill squee.

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Nightwalkers, Part 5

He sniffs the air, nostrils flared in flehmen. the aroma is weak perhaps a mile away. he takes one step then stops, _she would be better off if our pursuers were slightly misdirected_. he looks over the edge, watching throngs of people mill about.

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The Oracle Part One Pelagio

I immediately pulled my lips back into a flehmen. my senses exploded with the estrous pheromones that were laced through her fluids. with her on my shoulders she was almost touching the ceiling.

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Life time mates (The Masks - Matt's Story - Chapter2)

"you are a bad little girl.... " he licked his chops and started to flehmen. gasping the female knew now exactly why she actually tinkleda little, it was to tell any male knowthat she was ready to mate.

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The How-to of a Broodmare

You cease that sniffing pony-boy, that what you smell is her sense of excitement; her aroused state is causing the pony part of you to react with a flehmen nasal response.

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