Writing Exercise 2: Suicide Aftermath

The greyhound leaned down with the cougar woman, rubbing her back in an attempt to console her. "he never seemed like someone to do this," he said, looking up to the fox officer, "he was always pretty chipper and happy.

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The one who holds my heart

He gently pushed the greyhound backwards until the top edge of the dryer was pressed against his thin tail.

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Speak For Yourself!

The lizard broke off as she was greeted with the sight of a dingo staring at his greyhound date in a way that reminded her distinctly of hannibal lecter, while said greyhound was casting quick glances of bewilderment at her as if to disprove her assumption

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The Beginning of A Bad Thing

She heard the greyhound growl low in his throat, and the overwhelming urge to laugh forced its way up her esophagus.

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When in heat...

It had been bound to happen from the moment she decided to keep the greyhound pup, not that she would have ever told peter about it.

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Pale as Scars

Snow methodically held the greyhound's jaws shut, as she grabbed him, and in one smooth motion stuffed his head into her jaws.

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Kinktober 2018, Day 15 - New Needs for a New World

A beautiful, sleek greyhound. for a split-second the border collie panicked as she realised what this dog was, or rather, what he wasn't. not a human. not a _former_ human. just a dog. a wild, feral, horny dog.

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White as Snow

The greyhound's voice carried his smile. "anything for the pain?" tristan furrowed his brow. "ibuprofen?" he ventured, lamely.

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Everyone Needs Saving

The one closest to her, the greyhound, suddenly lurched forwards. she slunk to the side and grabbed his shoulder, pulling his muzzle into the brick behind her.

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The greyhound knew he loved the human but this, this made him nervous. even with the locked door, they could be caught. however, the pup's body was more then happy to try this.

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