The Prologue of Rocky and Rodgers

\*heart leaps again\* nanaki4688: i didn't expect that one coming love rock\_hard\_coon: -blushes some as he huggles softly- mmmhmm..

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Young Love

They didn't really care what movie they got in,because really they didn't even pay attention to it.they ended up sitting all the way in the back at a corner,kissing,huggling,cuddling,snuggling and so on.soon durng a small silent make out session they were

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Long and Winding Roads Ch. 1

Damien huggled and smiled. "you got it. i only got one morning class, and one afternoon class i'll get the parking pass and meet you in the sc after that."

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Darryl Meets Liam

One small boy huggling the otter tightly. "hehe! mowning otta!" he said. liam churring and swishing his huge tail as he let the boy go and continued on his way. evan smiling. "you're adorable, you know that?" liam blushed and nodded.

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Such a relaxing massage...

"i guess i'm an open book, hehe," she chuckled softly, still holding the cat's bushy tail huggled against her chest with both arms.

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Alligator's Tears

Alchemysolvesall: ((\*grins, huggles back\* i think so. i lost count around six ^\_^ wanna meet? maybe we could bring out our fantasies irl...?)) cutetora04: ((bring our fantasies irl?

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New Friend , New Lover- Chapter 2

"i love you so much... you are the best thing that happened to me." we said to each other nearly at the same exact time.this caused us to blush, still staring at each other and then huggle tightly.i looked at the clock for a moment and realized me and chase

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As the Campfire Fades

Henry, meanwhile, was awake, still feeling his teacher huggling around him, her paws over his sides and back, her thigh drapped over the side of his hip. he tried to keep his thoughts in check, his face and cheek buried against her shoulder.

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A Fiery Introduction to Vore

I laughed, purrling and huggling around my delightfully large tonka-bulge, the quilava hugging back best he could through my fatty scales. staying nice and full? now that was something i could agree on...!

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Wings of Destiny: Chapter 8

Shadow laughed and huggled the boy tightly, licking his face all over."shadow!

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