Starfox: Fox and Wolf Fall In Love

Fox licked at wolf's chest, making his way down to the lupine's crotch. he stopped at wolf's cock, inhaling the strong scent of the aroused male before going to work on the lupine's large member.

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The Social Norm

That thick, fevered shaft was dragging right over the lupine's prostate with every ball-tapping thrust that the savage made into his new 'wife'. he whimpered helplessly as the words washed over him...

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Guardians Downfall Chapter 20

"lupin, get haki out of here, we found a survivor, a kid, she is with miranda at the shuttle." he ordered. lupin stared at him, "what about you and lee?" he asked.

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Millenium Nap (Chapter 1)

The bow starts to glow in the lupin's hand. arrows fly as if on missions of death.

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How to Seduce your Best Friend: A Fox's Guide to the Employment of Alcohol

The fox bobbed his head up and down as the lupine's musk made its home in his nose. he worked the cock to its very core as he moved his head in rhythm as his tongue flicked out and about, bathing the lupine's shaft in the fox's juices.

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Gnoll Brigand: Prologue II

The lupin looks like he's barely awake. "one foot in the grave, and he demands answers for all the unimportant things."

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N/C training...the story...what happened next...

Reaching back down to clench the lupine's balls in his gloved paws the fox tugged the contracting sac back down between the lupine's legs trying to stem the other's orgasm before the grey wolf came too early.

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Fair Exchange Part 4

Prostate stimulation was good for that and the grizzly took advantage of the lupine's inexperience. this time, his thrusts focused there, undeterred by the lupine's frantic bucking.

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Snowlit Dawn - Book 2 Chapter 1

"is this really something the lupin do often? because it sounds like just the sort of thing stuffy, nerdy lupin'd do."

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Transformation at Hogwarts: Part 8

There, leaning against the window, was his hogwarts friend, remus lupin. from what he could see, lupin looked a little on the sick side. he knew about lupin's condition. his other two friends knew about it as well.

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Hot Spring Fun….Or is that Hot Bound?

Shifting his arms down a little, tk takes a firm hold on the lupine's waist as his thick fingers wrap themselves around the makeshift belt.

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